Robertson Publishing

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Sales Materials
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You've Written Your Book...
Now get the word out!

Start creating interest and pre-press chatter as soon as you have your cover design.
What you would say about your book to someone you have never met?
At the end of which they would say "I've gotta read this book, where can I buy it?"

Draw attention and generate sales!

Options & Services

Full Distribution ~ $36 per year (for each ISBN number).

If you want distribution you decide the retail price and royalty amount. Once the book is in production we'll submit your title metadata to Ingram Books and their distribution channel, which includes We'll then fulfill sellers orders, track activity, and issue quarterly royalty reports/payments.

Distribution service is only offered at initial title set-up.

Annual Fee: Each January following publiction a $36.00 fee is due to continue Ingram distribution, sales tracking, bookkeeping, royalty reports and payments. You can cancel distribution at any time

We Can Design One Basic Author Webpage ~ $90.00 an hour.

To support publicity, marketing, and sales, we can design one basic author webpage. This page will contain book description, front cover image, direct links to Amazon and B&, the author's bio and photo. Add this web link to all your sales materials. See sample of Basic rp-author webpage.

Annual hosting fee: $36.00 each January. You can cancel your author webpage at any time.

Ingram Catalog ~ $175.00 for one catalog inclusion. (The catalog is distributed to over 17,000 booksellers and libraries around the world)

This service must be requested at initial set-up.
The catalog is compiled 12 times a year and one could include your book. The lising will include a short paragraph describing the title, the retail pricing and a black & white cover image. Titles submitted appear in the catalog 3 to 4 months after submission.

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