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Attachment Infused Addiction Treatment
Attachmentment Infused Addiction Treatment (AIAT)
by Mary Crocker Cook
ISBN: 978-1-61170-332-0
Price: 35.00, 206 pages

When Vodka Makes More Sense Than People.

This book is based on a simple proposal: individuals develop a secure attachment to substances to self-soothe in the absence of available caretakers. It is the foundation of this model that individuals who have experienced substantial attachment disruption struggle to effectively use the support offered by treatment professionals and the Twelve Step culture, and very often return to substance use. It can be a hopeless cycle, reinforcing the substance user’s underlying belief that they are, in fact, too “damaged” or “broken” to achieve sobriety.

Bad Taste
Bad Taste: Self-care and Financial Planning when you have Bad Taste in Men
by Mary Crocker Cook
ISBN: 978-1-61170-328-3
Price: 20.00, 74 pages

When I say, “Bad Taste” I mean that the more my eyes sparkled,
everyone who loves me could feel their gut drop.

I KNOW there is community of women out here who are struggling to create “upgrades” in our selection process, and along the way, we still get derailed. This little book is an attempt to give us HARM REDUCTION strategies so that when we stumble, we don’t stumble off the cliff! The humor here can be a little dark at times, and it comes from a place of genuine affection and love for us. This small book was designed as a quick read because when we are struggling, our attention span can be a little shorter. Or maybe that’s just me? 
~ Mary Crocker Cook

Rebel Without a Clue
Rebel Without a Clue: Magical Thinking, a Motorcycle Ride, and The Great Teenage Diaspora
by Jonathan Robertson
ISBN: 978-1-61170-317-4
Price: 24.75, 472 pages

The wind began to howl, our tent began to fly...

The story of a kid who bootstrapped his education out of abject fear of mediocrity, refused his high school diploma, then went directly to college. I refer to the sinister affair involving a small metal die, about a gazillion books, the war in Vietnam, and the moral compass of a generation brought up on Rocky & Bullwinkle.

In 1970, I was owlishly staring down five years in federal prison, but I wanted to see the world first-or our part of it. So I took a motorcycle trip with a good friend and traveled the blue-gray ribbons of America carrying little more than a toothbrush, some clean socks, and a nervous grin.

Let this book be a road map for those who suspect their life may hold unusual patterns or be headed down dotted lines fading into abject nothingness. Fasten your seat belt, it's a bumpy ride. ~ J.R.

The World Middleweight Punchers Hall of Fame
The World Middleweight Punchers Hall of Fame
by Larry Carli
ISBN: 978-1-61170-326-9
Price: 17.95, 162 pages

This book contains a select group of middleweight power punchers from around the world. The list includes:

  • Bob Fitzsimmons
  • Stanley Ketche
  • Rocky Graziano
  • Eduardo Lausse.
  • Florentino Fernandez.
  • Bennie Briscoe and Eugene "Cyclone" Hart
  • Thomas Hearns, Marvin Hagler, and Julian Jackson.
  • Gerald McClellan and England's Nigel Benn
  • Gennady (GGG) Golovkin
After Proffitt
After Proffitt
by Robert Davis
ISBN: 978-1-61170-323-8
Price: 15.00, 214 pages

The sequel to The Ticker

Morgan Proffitt failed to stop attorney Oliver Kane from putting DUI clients back onto the streets, but Proffitt’s efforts forced Kane to miss a vital meeting that would solve his massive debt problems. Kane takes his revenge and sends an assassin to execute people closest to Proffitt. Detective Bruno Santiago discovers Kane’s scheme and travels to protect the unaware Proffitt people. As long as Kane is alive they will be in his crosshairs. Bruno has two options: kill Kane or create a plot to make him implode. Either way, Oliver Kane must be eliminated.

The Ticker
The Ticker
by Robert Davis
ISBN: 978-1-61170-135-7
Price: 15.00, 212 pages

A thriller that balances the conflict of good versus evil, right versus wrong,
and sanity versus madness on a fine grey line.

Morgan Proffitt’s cardiologist gives him life’s two-minute warning. The diagnosis prompts an unusual reaction from the highly-principled Proffitt. In the hours he has left, Proffitt is dead set on killing the despicable person responsible for his daughter’s death. Is it worth an eternity of damnation? Hell yes. Proffitt’s motivation isn’t fueled by revenge. He can’t bring his daughter back. But he can save other sons and daughters from a similar fate, and you will root that Proffitt’s heart has enough ticks left to accomplish his mission.

Behind Lace Curtains
Behind Lace Curtains. A Memoir
by Dorothy Burston Brown
ISBN: 978-1-61170-322-1
Price 24.00, 352 pages

Dorothy struggles to deal with the very recent death of her husband, Bill. It takes Bill’s last gift, a return trip to her southern hometown, to awaken her to not only the possibility he did indeed prepare her for his death but to uncover family secrets which as usual were addressed in that inimitable fashion of the South—the innuendo, the raised eyebrows, the meanness concealed in the sweetness. There is also the remembered knowledge growing up colored brought...the fact that from an early age she would never call it home in the way a white child could. She and her classmates were groomed for life up North. The South became home in retirement with savings and social security in hand.

This will she handle it? Many things are hidden within BEHIND LACE CURTAINS which can possibly contribute to Dorothy's ability to build a new life. Bill's last gift will be honored.

Stuffed. Thanksgiving Will Never Be The Same
by Robert M. Davis
ISBN: 978-1-61170-311-5
Price 15.00, 208 pages

Tom wasn't the only turkey to get roasted on Thanksgiving in 1955 when the small town of Bobsville experiences its first homicide.

Since childhood, Slayter Jones has been coddled and enabled by family, friends, and townsfolk. Through the years, his habit of using people as shortcuts has morphed into a dysfunctional condition, limiting his ability to do things for himself. To that point, in high school Slayter was voted "Most likely To Succeed Without Ever Trying." He knows no other way of life until a malicious lie snowballs into a series of lies to become the straw that breaks the turkey's back.

Five individuals with different agendas unite to make Slayter the entrée to a revenge scheme meant to teach him a lesson. But their well-intentioned message turns into a disaster. For the first time in his life Slayter is challenged to fend for himself and survive - an unimaginable task. 

1950's Boxing in Black and White
1950's Boxing in Black and White
by Larry Carli
ISBN: 978-1-61170-308-5
Price: 17.49, 190 pages

This book takes a close look at the top figures in each major weight division and the author's choice for the fighter of the decade, and the fight of the decade.

The 1950's have been called the Age of Simplicity and Tranquility. World War II had ended in 1945 and not many people were paying attention to the Korean conflict in the early years of the decade. Americans were able to afford black and white television sets and watch boxing on television 3 times a week. Popular boxers like Sugar Ray Robinson, Rocky Marciano, and Archie Moore dominated their respective weight divisions during the decade.

Jardin D'Or
Jardin D'Or
by Deborha D'Arms
ISBN: 978-1-61170-029-9
Price: 23.95, 136 pages

Transform your lives, our world, our planet into sustainable abundance and harmony by creating and co creating in conjunction with the powers and patterns of Nature. By implementing these patterns we can create a low maintenance eco friendly food producing Garden. Involving fruit and nut trees and bushes, perennial vegetables and herbs, this book is a step by step guide to creating your own self sustaining eco system, including basic principles, design, plant list, and extensive resource appendixes.

From the Projects... to the Projects
From the Projects... to the Projects
by Abidan Padilla
ISBN: 978-1-61170-303-0
Price: 15.00, 94 pages

In the midst of violence and crime there emerged a highly-motivated and determined young man

Growing up in South Central Los Angeles, Abidan was surrounded by gangs, drugs and daily shootings, a gangster lifestyle.
Then two things happened which convinced him to finally leave the danger of the hoodlum environment.The first was a chance meeting with a beautiful young woman named Alma, with whom Abidan immediately fell in love. The second was the shooting and ultimate death of his older brother.
What happened next was an incredible series of events, all driven by Abidan’s unstoppable pursuit of his goals and growing power, on a straight line for success.

When ADHD is a Superpower
When ADHD is a Superpower
by Mary Crocker Cook
ISBN: 978-1-61170-298-9
Price: 10.95, 52 pages

A book designed to shift awareness of adult ADHD to our strengths.

I am writing from the perspective of an adult with ADHD who has learned to appreciate the way we are neurologically wired rather than self-identify as impaired or “difficult.” Rather than provide a list of symptoms to describe us, helpful as they are to diagnosis and treatment, I want to call attention to the reality of being who we are. I do this through interviews with a successful ADHD attorney, a financial planner, an MMA fighter, an addiction counselor, a sales manager, a social work administrator, and a few ADHD friends. They generously share ways their ADHD superpowers of creativity, innovation, hyperfocus, high energy, and productivity impact their life.

Sawdust to Stardust
Sawdust to Stardust
by big Norm Nielsen
ISBN: 978-1-61170-297-2
Price: 19.95, 326 pages

This is a story that begins at the onset of the Second World War when Norm was living in remote sawmill lumber camps and attending one-room schools. He graduated from high school and became a lumberjack, thus the title Sawdust. The Stardust is our Star the Sun, which affects many things in the atmosphere including the Aurora (Northern and Southern lights), smog, air pollution, and ozone depletion in the Antarctic. Norm's 41-year science career involved all of these things and many more.

Off to a Good Start
Off to a Good Start. A Baby Boomer's Memoir
by Thomas Rundall
ISBN: 978-1-61170-296-5
Price: 24.95, 296 pages

I was born a Baby Boomer to a working class family in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, but when I was six months old my family moved to Yuma, Arizona, where for ten years I lived on a dirt road on the outskirts of town. In the 1960s I grew up with my parents and five siblings in the rapidly developing Santa Clara Valley of California, watching social change and cultural transformation happening all around us. At the age of 16 I developed a plan for my life; some might call it a dream. In the 55 years since then, I’ve far surpassed the goals I set for myself.

The cornerstones on which I am building my life are family, friendships, work, and professional and community service. I’ve found that the contributions I’ve made and the relationships I’ve established in each of these areas are enabling me to live what the ancient Greeks called a fulfilled life, one filled with happiness and meaning. In the book’s final chapter, I summarize the nine life lessons I’ve learned thus far on my journey to achieve a fulfilled life. I know I am not completely there yet, but I’m off to a good start.

They Played Baseball for the Yankees?
They Played Baseball for the Yankees?
by Jeff Wagner
ISBN: 978-1-61170-295-8
Price: 14.99, 72 pages

They Played Baseball for the Yankees? explores over thirty-five players that you may have forgotten or didn’t know donned a Yankee uniform, including two NFL Hall-of-Famers and two pairs of brothers. So whether their tenure lasted several years or several months, explore the fascinating stories surrounding how these players became a Yankee, and what they did while they were with the team.

Decoto Kids - 2020 Edition
Decoto Kids (2020 Edition)
by Franklyn O'Connor
ISBN: 978-1-61170-301-6
Price: 14.95, 194 pages

Book appropriate for ages 14 and up.

In a time before cell phones and helicopter parents, there was a time of freedom and adventure.
When Freddy O’Brian’s mother finally marries her Hispanic boyfriend Ronaldo, the family moves into Ronaldo’s home in the Union City barrio of Decoto.  Despite some trepidation, Freddy quickly makes friends, and a best friend, Mike. Freddy soon learns that a barrio is just like any other neighborhood. The story takes place over three years of high school or three seasons of wrestling, where Freddy has established a place and an identity for himself. Freddy grows up at a slower pace than his friend Mike while Mike works his way through a series of girlfriends and keeps forgetting about his best friend Freddy.  Decoto Kids is a funny and touching story of friendship, identity, loss, and wrestling. Amazon Listing for 2020 edition.

Christianity's Sideshow
Christianity's Sideshow
by Ronald Jon Sachs I
ISBN: 978-1-61170-293-4
Price: 12.50, 80 pages

Has the time come for us to rethink our priorities with regard to our commitment to God and Jesus?

In this book we look at the Magic and Miracles that dominate your Bible and their value. Explore the fallacies found within the Bible. Attempt to concentrate on just what Jesus said and did through Jefferson’s “The Life and Morals of Jesus of Nazareth” (the Jefferson Bible), a book of just what Jesus taught and did.

Shadow of a Dog I Can't Forget
The Shadow of a Dog I Can't Forget
by Mary Kennedy Eastham
ISBN: 978-0-9727721-7-4
Price: 14.00, 76 pages

"Stories for readers who like their words wrapped in silk."

Award Finalist for BEST POETRY BOOK in The Best Books contest sponsored by USA Book News. In the title poem, 'The Shadow of a Dog I Can't Forget' a woman, married for only sixty days, deals with feelings of melancholy by inventing a mysterious dog only she can see. In this carefully crafted world of runaways, mystical goddesses, happy strippers, and Marilyn Monroe returned to us to comment on her life being auctioned away, the poet's words nag at us the way only a great seduction can.

Decoding Rig-Veda
Decoding Rig-Veda  For the Knowledge of Science
by: Radhika Raman Prasad Sinha
ISBN: 978-1-935125-22-8
Price: 14.00, 160 pages

This book is dedicated to those who would like to decode the hymns of Rig-Veda and understand the scientific principles hidden. The Rishis, in a state of super-consciousness, observed the laws of nature and its underlying scientific principles. They presented the observations in hymns with simple words but deep in meaning. "We knew the world would not be the same. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture. Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince to do his duty, and to impress him taken on his multi-armed form and says, “if the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be the splendor of the mighty one. Now I have become Death, the destroyer of worlds.” I suppose we all thought that, one way or another."— Oppenheimer after the success of the Trinity test   

Berdine & Snodgrass
Berdine & Snodgrass: An American Pioneer Family
by Tom Lowe
ISBN: 978-1-61170-292-7
Price: 89.50 Hardback
684 pages

Author and genealogist Tom Lowe traces his maternal side of the family in this book, with his roots originating in northern and western Europe, and Iroquois American Indian roots originating along the New York-Pennsylvania border. Color and black/white photos

This book is a detailed account of Tom's ancestors’ settlement of America beginning in the 17th Century, who first settled along the Eastern Seaboard, eventually winding up in the foothills and mountains of West Virginia and Southwest Pennsylvania. Lowe incorporates historical detail into the biographies of his pioneering and salt-of-the-earth ancestors. Contained in these pages are stories of New Sweden, Revolutionary War soldiers, Seneca Indians, Quaker settlers along the Delaware Valley and German settlers in German Valley, N.J., Scots-Irish farmers, log cabins, Daniel Boone, and Civil War soldiers, not to mention murderers, burglars, and other social misfits who add spice to the mix. 

When It's Time
When It's Time
by Rich Nisbet
ISBN: 978-1-61170-288-0
Price: 19.79, 224 pages

Steps to Help Someone at the End-of-Life Die with Peace and Dignity…
While Providing Guidance and Reassurance to Everyone Else.

This book contains simple steps that anyone can use to help a person at the end-of-life die with peace and
dignity, while at the same time, providing guidance and reassurance to everyone else. And since the subject of death is the other side of life, learning how to help someone else pass away peacefully will transfer to a deeper awareness of yourself and your own existence now.

A Ranger Pure and Simple, 4th editiion
A Ranger, Pure and Simple - Fourth Edition - 2019
by Thomas A. Smith
ISBN: 978-1-61170-304-7
Price: 30.00, 292 pages

The Evolution of Parks and Park Rangers in America

Parks and park agencies face a huge challenge from a growing population and a society that is becoming out of touch with nature. Tom Smith is a former Chair of the Park Management Department at West Valley College in Saratoga, California, and a long time seasonal Yosemite and regional park ranger. In this book he explores the origin of parks in America, the problems parks and park agencies will face in the future, and how rangers are adapting to deal with this changing culture.

Boxing's Super 70's
Boxing's Super 70's
plus: What's Wrong With Boxing's Hall of Fame?
by Larry Carli
ISBN: 978-1-61170-287-3
Price: 17.50, 240 pages

Several of the champions in the 1970’s including Muhammad Ali, Carlos Monzon, and Roberto Duran were considered by many boxing critics to have been the greatest fighters ever in their respective weight divisions.


This book takes a close look at all the top fighters in each major weight division during this fabulous decade of boxing, and the author's choice for Fighter of the Decade, and Fight of the Decade. The author has also included a section on boxers in each major weight division who he feels have been unjustly bypassed for induction into boxing’s Hall of Fame, due to the faulty selection process, and politics of boxing.

Don't Get Up Too Soon from the Kitchen Table
Don't Get Up Too Soon from the Kitchen Table
by Harold B. Swan
ISBN: 978-1-61170-285-9
Price: 15.00, 202 pages

(you might miss a good story)

Harold Swan loved telling stories. It was a skill he honed through a penchant for risk-taking and hours of practice. Many of those hours were spent around the kitchen table and many of those risks ended up being terrific stories.


He started in the bee business in 1946 and continued until his death in 2018. Harold was married to Hilda Carver for 66 years.

There was a Time
There was a Time
by Andrew J. Reynolds
ISBN: 978-1-61170-284-2
Price: 12.95, 82 pages

poems, musing, and thoughts of experiencing cancer


A poetic and emotional response to being treated for prostate cancer. When the doctor calls with the diagnosis of cancer you can feel the floor drop away as the abyss of fear opens up and uncertainty takes over your life. This book takes the reader on a journey through the emotions of diagnosis, treatment and recovery. The collection also looks at the loss of Andrew's mother to pancreatic cancer and the difficulty of watching a loved one pass from this world to the next.

101 Adventures in the Southern Sierra
101 Adventures in the Southern Sierra
by Don Anderson
ISBN: 978-1-61170-281-1
Price: 48.50 Hardback
198 pages

Don provides colorful anecdotal stories of hikes, backpacking trips, river rafting and even wilderness caves. During the past decade photographer Stephen Bohr Jr. has been a constant companion, providing over half of the 200-plus colorful pictures that enrich this book.

The Crackerjack
The Crackerjack
by Robert M. Davis
ISBN: 978-1-61170-278-1
Price: 15.00, 198 pages

Jackson Kingman changes his last name to bury traumatic childhood incidents. Through guts, guile, and determination he becomes an advertising mogul known as the Sign King. His prosperity and prominence, however, won’t buy what Jackson yearns for most until an enigmatic woman tracks him down to unlock a door into his past he has been reluctant to open. The adventurous path can lead Jackson to the illusive happiness he seeks or forever doom his chances to achieve it.

The Oregon Story
The Oregon Story
by Devik Schreiner
ISBN: 978-1-61170-280-4
Price: 14.00, 190 pages

13-year-old Danny is alone in the isolated mountains of Eastern Oregon after his mother leaves for a two-day trip into town.  While chopping wood, he slips, hits his head and is knocked out.  When he wakes up, he is lying on the living room floor. Something is wrong; someone is in his house.  Danny escapes through a window and takes off running.  He is taken prisoner by a boy dressed in military fatigues who marches him to Mama’s House, a group home for rebellious teens.  There he meets Desiree, a brilliant and volatile girl who takes him to a remote part of the forest where they dig up a rusty metal box.  Within it lies the answer to a family mystery and the secret to an incredible material that has the power to change the future.

Meditation, An Ancient Practice for Modern Time
by Marshall A. Keneipp
ISBN: 978-1-61170276-7
Price: 18.95, 180 pages

This book presents a guide to the theory and practice of meditation. The approach to meditation presented herein is firmly rooted in the Yoga tradition while drawing on the author’s experience with meditation in other wisdom traditions as well. Whether you are new to meditation or a seasoned practitioner, this book will give you the tools you need to explore and enjoy the many benefits of this time-honored practice.

Awakening Hope 2018 edition
Awakening Hope - 2018 Edition
by Mary Crocker Cook
ISBN: 978-1-61170-031-2
Price: 21.95, 256 pages

Tthe 2018 edition of Awakening Hope fills in important areas in the third area of Codependency, the biological area. This updated edition also adds a new attachment quiz, Dr. Wilson’s Adrenal Fatigue Questionnaire, Responses to Stressful Experiences Scale, and expands biological chapters to discuss Normal Stress and Immune Responses, Allostasis and the Upside of Adversity, Neurological Biology of Attachment and Love, and the Impact of Interrupted Attachment on Neurology. In addition, Mary has included additional emotional regulation interventions.

Maintaining Apache Identity
Maintaining Apache Identity
William Grosvenor Pollard
ISBN: 978-1-61170-274-3
Price: 15.99, 146 pages

In 1886, the surviving men, women and children of the Chiricahua and Warm Springs Apaches were exiled
from their homeland in Arizona and spent the next 27 years as prisoners of war of the United States in Florida, Alabama and Oklahoma.

This book follows their history from the first treaty they made with the Americans in 1851 to 1960, including
this period of detention, with attention to change and persistence in their traditional culture.

Opening Words
Opening Words
Alan Goldfarb
ISBN: 978-1-61170-273-6
Price: 15.95, 162 pages

This book includes new poetry plus selected poems from Alan's two previous books
Said or Unsaid
and Words Together, Words Alone.


One Man's Journey
One Man's Journey
John Dosher
ISBN: 978-1-61170-270-5
Price: 15.00, 152 pages

Short Stories

Over the last 27 years John has written at least 100 stories and the book has grown to 80 or 90 pages. He has selected some of his favorites to make up “One Man’s Journey.” Many of the stories are true, the rest are a figment of his imagination.

Conducting Workplace Investigations
Conducting Workplace Investigations
ArLyne Diamond
ISBN: 978-1-61170-267-5
Price: 20.00, 80 pages

A year ago this book would have been important; today it is essential reading. For the past year, it seems, not a day has gone by without a new investigation being announced: in government, in business, in schools, even in churches.

Culture Inside the Company and Outside the Country
Culture Inside the Company and Outside the Country
Arlyne Diamond
ISBN: 978-1-61170-262-0
Price: 25.00, 162 pages

Every company has a culture, its leaders have a choice: let that culture happen by accident, or help shape it to fit their needs and vision. As for outside the company, it’s very clear by now that business today is global in nature, companies do a great deal of business in other countries, often even own facilities in them. And just as every company has a culture, so does every country, which means organizations would do well to understand other countries’ cultures and accommodate them, the better to do business in them. Bottom line: this book will help you shape your own culture and deal with that of other countries.

My Family. A Portrait in Letters
My Family. A Portrait in Letters
Susan Raycraft
ISBN: 978-1-61170-260-6
Price: 18.44, 126 pages

Like the ray of sun her name projects, SuRay’s memoir engages and inspires. This book shares 19 letters from home she received while hitchhiking through Europe, exactly as they were written between June and September 1966. The letters chronicle daily life that reflects the steady course her parents set for their family from the time of their courtship. 50 years later, the author reflects upon the letters’ impact on her then and now, exploring their meaning in a timeless tale of love, loss and healing. Readers will encounter their own family dynamics as they travel with SuRay from the personal to the planetary.

More Good Talk
More Good Talk
Nils Peterson, Sally Ashton, David Perez, Arlelne Biala
ISBN: 978-1-61170-259-0
Price: 10.00, 64 pages

Poetry by Poet Laureates of Santa Clara, four poets in love with the world.

Galway Kinnell said all good writing has a certain quality in common, “a tenderness toward existence.” Coleman Barks adds, “[Poets] will never finish noticing what is going on.”

Good Talk
Good Talk
Nils Peterson, Sally Ashton, David Perez
ISBN: 978-1-61170-214-9
Price: 10.00, 50 pages

The Languages of Poetry ~ I’ve read somewhere that poets have three languages, the language general to all poetry, the language particular to the age the poet born in, and the language that is uniquely the poet’s own. In the last eighty years, our language has changed almost as fast as the technology that passes it along. Interestingly, there is a generation, roughly twenty years, between each of the first three Poets Laureate of Santa Clara County. Robert Frost said poets get their knowledge not deliberately, but by letting what will – “stick like burrs” as they “walk in the fields.”

The third language, the one that is uniquely our own, is in part made up the bodies we were born to, the physical voices we were given, and the history of our struggles to make ourselves heard by the world around us beginning surely with parents and teachers. I think you will enjoy the talk gathered in this small volume. ~ Nils Peterson

Only in America
Only in America
by Bernard P. Marcus
ISBN: 978-1-61170-258-3
Price: 18.00, 208 pages

My Journey through Life and Service to this Nation and Beyond.

Whenever my mother, Betty Marcus, observed a positive event in the lives of her family, she would exclaim: “Only in America.”

In this memoir, I share many of the opportunities and challenges that I have encountered as an American. Join me in my journey from the slums of the South Bronx to Silicon Valley and my service to this nation.

by Cheryl L. Nelson
ISBN: 978-1-61170-249-1
Price: 19.95, 70 pages

A workbook containing legal documents for anyone turning 18 years of age or older.

Were you aware that once a young adult turns 18 years of age, doctors, nurses, financial institutions, and/or school faculty are no longer required to share information with parents unless written permission is given to them by the young adult? This book contains all of the necessary legal documents, along with easy-to-follow instructions, to help you prepare in advance for a medical emergency, income tax preparation and/or certain financial transactions.

The top Ten Middleweight Champions of All Time
The Top Ten Middleweight Champions of All Time
by Larry Carli
ISBN: 978-1-61170-255-2
Price: 14.95, 146 pages

Middleweight boxers blend the power of a heavyweight with the speed of a lightweight. Some of the greatest ring rivalries occurred in the middleweight division. Stanley Ketchel and Billy Papke engaged in four boxing classic matches after the turn of the century.

This book will give you an up close and personal look at who the author feels were the ten greatest middleweight champions based upon the different criteria. At the conclusion, he tells you who was the greatest middleweight champion. As an added bonus, he has included stories on six ring greats who never received a title shot.

Mario From The Barrio
Mario From The Barrio
by Mario R. Vazquez
ISBN: 978-1-61170-252-1
Price: 15.00, 154 pages
Mario R. Vazquez was raised in a Texas Barrio. This book chronicles his incredible journey from the Mexican American barrio of San Felipe, in Del Rio, Texas, to saluting General Douglas MacArthur in Tokyo, Japan. Vazquez details his Civil Rights involvement with iconic figures such as Dr. Hector Garcia. Years later he found himself in the Oval Office of the White House meeting with President Lyndon B. Johnson.
Homeless in the Gold Country
Homeless in the Gold Country
by Ron Sachs
ISBN: 978-1-61170-253-8
Price: 22.50, 258 pages
This book is a chronological progression/regression of homelessness in one California County. We speak about the fabled “Gold Country” of 49er fame where Gold and Homelessness runs hand in hand in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of El Dorado County, California. It is a complete reprint of newsletters sent to those interested in homelessness in El Dorado County covering 8 years of joys, tears, struggles, disappointments, victories, and challenges for Job’s Shelters of the Sierra (JSS); a local non-profit advocacy. JSS focuses on the single homeless person; who they are, and the local government roadblocks they encounter. The book also has suggestions for what a responsible citizen can do for those who have the very least.
Hooked on Parks
Hooked on Parks
by Thomas A. Smith
ISBN: 978-1-61170-250-7
Price: 23.00, 212 pages
Thomas Smith is a former Chair of the Park Management Department at West Valley College in Saratoga, California, and a retired seasonal park ranger in Yosemite National Park and Santa Clara County, California. This book about his career and his comrades in the ranger ranks and some of their experiences and passions. The book also includes sections on wildlife, search and rescue, weather, evolution of modern, and some not-so-modern equipment used by rangers.
World Enough For All
World Enough For All
by James Irwin Kruger
ISBN: 978-1-61170-251-4
Price: 14.95, 114 pages
Lincoln “Link” Harvey Jr. never met his father. He was born shortly after his father lost his life in Washington DC, while leading fellow WWI veterans in pursuit of their promised bonus money for service during the war. The Stock Market crash and Great Depression had taken their toll, putting men out of work, and Lincoln Harvey Sr. was moved to act. His wife Mary raised their son in Oakland with the help of her parents, Kathy and Tom Devereux.
Take the Meat & Leave the Bone
Take The Meat & Leave The Bone
by Chris Packham
ISBN: 978-1-61170-247-7
Price: 12.50, 84 pages
Chris Packham has written this high level motivational book that will transform you into the person you were designed to become. Learn how to stand up to yourself and develop your own individual plan of action to help you unleash your greatest gift, “YOU.”
The Last Chapter is Missing
The Last Chapter is Missing
by Dirk Wales
ISBN: 978-1-61170-241-5
Price: 14.00, 182 pages

In The Last Chapter is Missing we have a successful novelist, who has disappeared 33 days before his new novel goes to press. Worse than that, he has “gone missing” before turning in the Last Chapter of this current, going-to-press-soon novel. What to do? Well, the publisher has an idea to send his assistant editor to the novelist’s apartment, and even though it’s against the law, to find that Last Chapter. Now.

       …and the path to the Missing Chapter leads us to Windsor, Canada, as the adventurous search continues.

Be Bad
Be Bad
by Steve Stefanik
ISBN: 978-1-61170-237-8
Price: 15.95, 156 pages

Challenge Yourself to Live BIG, BOLD, and BAD Again

Engage yourself in this self-guided coaching journey to revitalize your purpose, ignite your passions and step into your unstoppable power. Experience your own personal transformation. Each chapter is designed with exercises and methods for applying and reinforcing the chapter’s information and your insights.

Learn and apply these fundamental insights to find your personal power and bring that energy back into your life, full throttle.

Dyslexia, My Gift, My Story
by Gale Henshel
ISBN: 978-1-61170-239-2
Price: 10.00, 48 pages

This book gives hope, encouragement, fortitude to anyone who has a loved one who is dyslexic, labeled as an ‘overly creative child’ or having a ‘learning disability or disorder.’ Henshel’s playful illustrations and presentation of handwritten words translate her understanding of neuroplasticity into a delightful story for readers as she reminds us ‘not all of us are going to experience life the same way.’

Necessary Reflections
Necessary Reflections
by Lee S. Holt
ISBN: 978-1-61170-238-5
Price: 12.75, 82 pages

Six Short Stories.

The individuals in these stories emerge from cathartic events, more certain of who they are, and their place in their world. At times there is no direct route to the understanding of oneself, but rather a more circuitous path to identity is required.

The House on the Hillside
The House on the Hillside
by Ursula H. Meier
ISBN: 978-1-61170-236-1
Price: 17.50, 286 pages

Lost Love and New Love, Clouded by Misunderstandings, Sweep up Two Generations Under the Burden of an Unexpected Inheritance.

Ursula H. Meier’s beautifully written fourth novel reveals what happens when Chadwick Greene, a wealthy English widower, inherits a Victorian mansion in Germany’s Hartz Mountains. Once the home of his first love, the bequest brings forth long suppressed memories.

The Journey to Hangtown Haven
by Arthur A. Edwards
ISBN: 978-1-61170-265-4
Price: 18.95, 180 pages

How a group of committed volunteers led by a retired aerospace engineerbuilt a homeless shelter in a gold rush community and how the power and financial elite closed it down.

“How do you build a homeless shelter that works and is acceptable to the entire community with donations only?” This book tells the story of one Sierra community’s effort to answer this question and how its success proved that it could be done, however its success also turned the city’s power establishment against it.

Living with Twelve Men
Living with Twelve Men
by Betty Auchard
ISBN: 978-1-61170-228-6
Price: 16.00, 226 pages

From the author who gave you Dancing in my Nightgown
and The Home for the Friendless

A day after their wedding in 1949, Denny whisks his new bride, Betty, to the boys’ dorm on a college campus in Nebraska, where they are to serve as houseparents and role models. The strict church-based campus prompts the young wife to act smarter than she thinks she is and holier than she knows she is. Coming from a down-to-earth family that indulged in much of what is forbidden by the Christian college (including drinking, smoking, cussing, and dancing) requires that she smooth out a lot of rough edges. In the process, Betty learns lessons as a surrogate mother to eleven high-spirited young men that will prepare her for the real thing.

Boardwalk Beat Down
Boardwalk Beat Down
by Steve Sporleder
ISBN: 978-1-61170-215-6
Price: 15.95, 278 pages

We first met the likeable Los Gatos P.I., Grady Prescott, in Hobo Ashes, as he struggled to quit the bottle, regain his self-confidence, and resolve a long-standing murder case. Now Grady runs a fast-paced race toward resolving a complicated set of crimes that stack on top of each other with the plot and character twists that begin and end near the Santa Cruz Boardwalk. Grady’s fiancée, Hazel, sticks right by his side through murder and muggings—or does she?

Veteran writer, Steve Sporleder, once again drawing on his extensive knowledge of Los Gatos and environs, infuses his story with local flavor and historical tidbits, and keeps us on the edge of our seat.

Lessons in Leadership
Lessons in Leadership
by Patricia Mitchell
ISBN: 978-1-61170-227-9
Price: 30.00, 244 pages

In this book you will read about many inspiring, and dedicated leaders working in the American educational system. Some are just starting their careers, while others have been in the trenches for many years and have lots of experience and tips to pass on to our next generation of emerging leaders. We hope by presenting each of these wonderful vignettes, it will perpetuate the kind of leadership in others that is needed in the 2lst century.

by Mary Crocker Cook
ISBN: 978-1-61170-225-5
Price: 11.50. 150 pages

This book addresses the challenges and offers tools to help talented counselors remain in the addiction counseling profession.

When I see counselors relapse or abruptly leave a career they trained to enter I always wonder about the triggers they faced that they couldn’t manage without imploding. Our clients and co-workers can put their finger on our unhealed wounds on a regular basis due to our ability to identify with them. In fact, our identification is a mixed blessing. I can draw compassion from my ability to identify. I can also step into my own blind spots and reactivity that may go unchecked without proper support and awareness.

Cleared for Takeoff!
Cleared for Takeoff
by Darrel Leland Pittman
ISBN: 978-1-61170-226-2
Price: 15.00, 150 pages

Follow Darrel Pittman’s life story as he grows up in California and Arizona. He then joins the United States Air Force, becomes an air traffic controller and works across the United States.

Darrel is a a member of the North Dakota Aviation Council and the President of the North Dakota Pilots Association. He also writes articles for the “Aviation Quarterly” a periodical for the NDAC.

The Scapegoat
The Scapgoat
by James L. Sullivan
ISBN: 978-1-61170-224-8
Price: 14.95, 214 pages

I did not have financial transactions
with that man...

When Sullivan was re-assigned he realized his career was over. He decided to take action by suing, which ended in a courtroom battle. A captain, a military-intelligence operative, and a brilliant army lawyer recognized Sullivan had been seriously wronged and secretly worked together to resolve his predicament.

When Love and War Came Home to Die
When Love and War Came Home to Die
by James Kruger
ISBN: 978-1-61170-222-4
Price: 13.95, 126 pages

True Love and Sacrifice

It was inevitable that Mary Day would one day fall in love with her handsome young neighbor, Link Harvey.  Mary graduated from Mills, then was hired as silent film actress in Southern California. Link graduated from Cal. With WWI in the offing, the draft board sent Link to join the Army. 

Link went off to war, a war so terrible, so murderous and so despicable that men shuddered and women wept at the very thought of it.  When the war was over Link came home, and married his Mary. But for some of the soldiers it wasn’t over; a nation’s promise had been broken, and again soldiers were dying—but this time on US soil—and Link left Mary again, to help as best he could.

The Trip That Took Itself
The Trip That Took Itself
by Ellen Warburton
ISBN: 978-1-61170-221-7
Price: 14.95, 398 pages

An American Zen Buddhist Woman’s Solo Pilgrimage Through SE Asia

Ellen Warburton dashed headlong into Asia (at the age of fifty-two) with an open mind and a budget that prompted 3 vows:
* She would follow where the way seemed to lead
* She would take the cheapest accommodations she could find
* She would travel like a local as much as she could — no taxis unless absolutely necessary.

That was to set the style of her travel — trusting that she would have help when she needed it, and believing in the friendliness of people everywhere.

Orphans Through My Window
Orphans Through My Window
by Thomas Kent
ISBN: 978-1-61170-216-3
Price: 14.50, 236 pages

The story takes place between the politically turbulent years of 1962 and 1963.

It took unique characters to bring this tale to life... Spencer Helms and a squirrel named Dell. Spencer, an only child, was born with a malady which caused him to be unable to speak. He and Dell develop a magical telepathic way of communicating. Together, Spencer and Dell’s world is filled with the dramatic events occurring historically, as well as, the unexpected life experiences of their neighbors, some of which are very disturbing.

A Hero's Life
A Hero's Life
by Arthur Edwards
ISBN: 978-1-61170-220-0
Price: 15.95, 184 pages

The story of a war hero who returns home and is faced with a choice between what he believes is moral on the one hand, and his job, his family and the security of his country on the other.

Steve Pritchard was a World War II fighter pilot hero who returned from England in 1945 to his home in Los Angeles. He was a double ace with twelve downed Messerschmitt ME-109’s to his credit. Steve had married his high school sweetheart, the prettiest girl in town, went to work at Western Aircraft Company, the largest aircraft company in Southern California and moved into a new home with swimming pool on the Palos Verdes peninsula. Steve and Ellen quickly had three children and settled down to a comfortable post-war life.

Searching for Sophia
Searching for Sophia
by Barbara Gerdau Drotar
ISBN: 978-1-61170-210-1
Price: 12.99, 166 pages

At one time or another some people wonder if life is worth living. Trent’s search for meaning will have you pulling for him until he finds the answer.

A third-generation San Franciscan, Trent Martin had it all… a loving wife, a beautiful daughter, a lucrative law firm, a real estate dynasty and political clout with City Hall. Through a heart-breaking turn of events he loses everything, short of losing his sanity. He descends into a pit of complete absence of self until he begins to take notice of people other than himself.

An Officer in MacArthur's Court
An Officer in MacArthur's Court
by John F. Day III
ISBN: 978-1-61170-176-0
Price: 29.50, 482 pages

First Lieutenant John F. Day Jr. was a 30-year-old Reserve Army Officer when he was called to active duty in November 1940. On December 7, 1941, Day found himself aboard a troop ship in the mid-Pacific in route to the Philippine Islands. The USS Republic, a ship in the Pensacola Convoy, was eight-days out of Pearl Harbor sailing to re-enforce Gen. Douglas MacArthur. The Japanese attack altered the voyage and changed Day’s life.

Greenleaf's Notable Quotables
Greenleaf's Notable Quotables
by John Edward Greenleaf
ISBN: 978-1-61170-208-8 Hardback
Price: 20.00, 70 pages

"Many years ago I began a compilation of selected notable aphorisms and sayings for use in publications and lectures. That compilation evolved with inclusion of more general philosophical principles and quotations which are published in this small volume.

"While this material reflects my general philosophy, hopefully it can be used to enhance perspective and philosophy of others, especially students who may have had limited historical background." —John Edward Greenleaf

The Moontime Harmony Workbook
The Moontime Harmony Workbook
by Donna Wolper
ISBN: 978-1-61170-209-5
Price: 21.95, 130 pages

Have you ever dreamt of having a harmonious menstrual cycle free of pain? Did you ever feel that there was a deeper purpose and meaning to your monthly cycle?

This workbook is designed to be a guide to assist a wombyn of any age to find her path so that she may flow in harmony with lunar wisdom and create moontime order so she can experience a healthy, harmonious and sacred menstrual cycle or moontime.It is a menstrual roadmap designed to help a wombyn create both inner and outer moontime balance.

The Moontime Harmony Journal
The Moontime Harmony Journal
by Donna Wolper
ISBN: 978-1-61170-229-3
Price: 14.95, 66 pages

Now is the time to come home to yourself and reconnect with the deeper meaning of the Blood Mysteries. This journal is a start. It is designed to be a guide to assist a wombym of any age to find her path so that she may flow in harmony with lunar wisdom and create moontime order so she can experience a healthy, harmonious and Sacred menstrual cycle or moontime. It is a menstrual guide designed to help a wombyn create both inner and outer moontime balance. It includes a calendar to chart your needs and a series of questions to help navigate one’s moontime journey so that you can discover your own moontime rhythms and how they connect to the phases of Sister Moon. When you do, you flow in harmony not only with your self, but with the Divine Feminine and Goddess within, the heart of gift of the Blood Mysteries.

Whitewater Journals
Whitewater Journals
by Don Anderson
ISBN: 978-1-61170-205-7
Price: 20.50, 214 pages

A federal civil servant by day and college professor of history by night, Don Anderson has spent nearly four decades exploring the southern Sierra mountains next to his hometown of Fresno, California.

In Whitewater Journals he chronicles over twenty years of rafting trips down various rivers in the Western United States. The author and his companions travel from the Cascades of the Pacific Northwest to the deserts of the American Southwest to journey rivers both famous (Salmon) and obscure (South Fork of the Owyhee). Along the way they encounter rain and snow, thunderstorms and sandstorms, flash floods, and even earthquakes. Within these pages lies proof that in the 20th century ordinary people can experience extraordinary adventures.

A Better Way
A Better Way! — Reading, Righting, Rethinking American Education
by Richard Pope
ISBN: 978-1-61170-111-1
Price: 15.95, 270 pages

Enjoy a book for teachers and parents that embraces and enhances mindfulness

Teachers will acquire tools to discover if students truly understood a lesson, if a major unit of study achieved its goals, and, if a classroom system causes more pain than joy, how to analyze it and improve it.

Parents will discover that the same tools teachers can employ to improve their classrooms, will work beautifully in their homes. These tools for awareness and improvement weave around the true story of two non-reading third graders and their teacher’s efforts to help them grow into successful readers.

Into Solution
Into Solution. Daily Support for Recovery Treatment Center Staff
by Mary Crocker Cook
ISBN: 978-1-61170-201-9
Price: 18.85, 380 pages

Insightful quotes are drawn from individuals ranging from Steve Jobs to Virginia Satir to Ghand and commentary linking these valuable insights to our work as counselors is provided by Mary Crocker Cook. This book of daily reflections is destined to become a recovery classic!

The Work Goes On
The Work Goes On. Another Week in the Life of a Substance Abuse Counselor
by Mary Crocker Cook
ISBN: 978-1-61170-196-8
Price: 12.95, 150 pages

The Work Goes On follows up Welcome to My World and offers another peek into substance abuse counseling as we continue to follow Janet and her team through their week. Meet another set of clients who challenge the team as they struggle to assist clients to make sense of their addiction through counseling groups and personal counseling. Ricardo has a new life change, we learn the back stories for Keisha and Jorge, and the Clinical Director continues to offer his ham-handed advice! The week roles out with the same silliness and poignancy that the first week offered. Join us!

The Ballad of Horatio's Gold
The Ballad of Horatio's Gold
by James Irwin Kruger
ISBN: 978-1-61170-193-7
Price: 14.95, 160 pages

It was an unspeakable crime that tore her family apart, but the courageous young girl stood fast, convinced that neither shame nor blame could ever reveal her awful secret.

Kathy Fahey was only ten when she fell in love with a handsome priest. When her father discovered the affair, he soon moved with his family from the city to a small town he felt was safe. Since he was the only attorney in the county, Frank Fahey was well received in town. All thoughts of the priest were forgotten...until...

A Woman's Soul Reflections
A Woman's Soul Reflections
by Maria Weaver
ISBN: 978-1-61170-178-4 (Full Color Hardback)
Price: 19.50, 36 pages

Beautiful color photographs by Sally Issa

A Woman’s Soul Reflections is a selection of Maria’s poems that tell the story of her life, marriage, and motherhood; the ups and downs, the joys and struggles that are part of every woman’s journey.

Maria's poems are paired with photographs that Sally Issa took during her travels around the world.

War is Hell
War is Hell
by Arthur A. Edwards
ISBN: 978-1-61170-190-6
Price: 15.95, 242 pages

This story is told by a soldier who was a part of the bloody war in Burma, the executive officer of a rugged group of American jungle fighters. He tells us in great detail what the war did to him and how he feels about taking another man’s life even to protect his own as he searches for meaning in it all.

Schmidty Move Them Out!
Schmidty Move Them Out!
by Jerry L. Schmidt
ISBN: 978-1-61170-191-3
Price: 11.75, 60 pages

This is a story of all Jerry’s travels, from a farm rural Lakota, North Dakota, to around the world, while serving his beloved country. All the while he kept his deep North Dakota values taught to him by his mother and father. Sergeant Schmidt retired from the Army National Guard, North Dakota after 31 years.

The Inspired Intern
The Inspired Intern
by Howard Scott Warshaw
ISBN: 978-1-61170-188-3
Price: 15.99, 148 pages

Reconnect With Your Passion!

Becoming a therapist is a lot of work! Inspiration is the fuel that keeps the fires stoked. In dark moments when I question myself on this long and arduous journey, inspiration revives and renews me. It gets me back on track to where I need to be. This book is the café latte that reawakens your passion. It reminds you why you chose this path in the first place. These are fresh points of view for therapists of all ages and all developmental stages. Every therapist (or therapist to be) should read this book, it will serve you well.

Don't Leave
Don't Leave!!! Codependency and Attachment
by Mary Crocker Cook
ISBN: 978-1-61170-187-6
Price: 15.00, 60 pages

Don’t Leave!!!! Codependency and Attachment was written as a “lay-person” version of Awakening Hope. A Developmental, Behavioral, Biological Approach to Codependence. Awakening Hope is used as a textbook in Alcohol and Drug programs in the United States.

This is the “fun” version, and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

Will to Kill
Will to Kill
by Robert M. Davis
ISBN: 978-1-61170-181-4
Price: 15.00, 266 pages

A cozy mystery thriller

An early morning knock on a motel door is often a harbinger of bad news. After nine futile years of playing professional baseball, Dean the Dream Mason learns his career has come to an end. Worse yet, Dean’s only living relative was found dead in a nursing home, and the inheritance he is due, which is seven times greater than current President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s annual salary, is no longer his. But Dean’s troubles only worsen. If he can’t track down the person who murdered his aunt, he will lose his last remaining asset: his life.

by James Dennis Wiseman
ISBN: 978-1-61170-186-9
Price: 13.95, 216 pages

An agent of the State Security Service, in an all-female nation defects and leads partisan fighters to form a new nation in the wilderness.

The author, James Dennis Wiseman, was born and raised in London, and grew up there during the Great Depression and World War II; experiencing as a child the wartime life of that city. Much of his career was spent working in diverse countries. He has been an Industrial Engineer in England, a Chief of Mission for U.N. projects in Ghana and Nigeria, a Management Consultant for an oil company in Khuzestan, Iran, a CEO of an airline in Australia, a Small Business Consultant in Canada, and an Executive in Silicon Valley.

The Solar Phoenix
The Solar Phoenix
by Brad Mattson
ISBN: 978-1-61170-177-7
Price: 44.99, 248 pages

The Solar Phoenix: How America Can Rise from the Ashes of Solyndra to World Leadership in Solar 2.0 explains why solar is fundamental to the world’s energy future, and how the industry has passed a cost tipping point. It provides a set of detailed roadmaps of how, when and where the solar energy revolution will take place. And it challenges the United States to take its rightful place as the world’s solar superpower. America was the pioneer of Solar 1.0. Now it must lead in the Solar 2.0 era.

by David Hoban
ISBN: 978-1-61170-174-6
Price: 15.99, 232 pages

Dr. Hoban has arranged a scatter of apparently separate essays, short stories, poems and sayings in a book meant to do something as well as say something. Together they constitute and reflect a coherent whole. Amusing and intellectually provocative, these stories are intended to benefit readers in their daily lives by providing hidden frameworks for future understanding of the people and circumstances in their lives.

Welcome To My World
Welcome To My World — A Novel
by Mary Crocker Cook
ISBN: 978-1-61170-169-2
Price: 12.95, 146 pages

Welcome to My World was written by psychotherapist and chemical dependency counselor, Mary Crocker Cook, to answer the question, “What really happens in rehab?” from a counselor’s perspective. A veteran of multiple substance abuse program staffs, Mary has created an engaging and realistic cast of characters; a composite of chemical dependency counselors she has respected and loved over the years. While quirky and challenged by their own issues, the clinical work and interventions reveal a solid and realistic approach to addiction treatment that is both ethical and effective.

Breaking The Ice
Breaking the Ice
by Anthony F. Fiorentino
ISBN: 978-1-61170-172-2
Price: 18.95, 156 pages

As a young airman in the US Navy, I volunteered for an expedition to Antarctica
on an icebreaker in the late 1950’s.
Come, join me on my five month journey exploring this frozen jewel!

My tour of duty took me across the South Pacific, New Zealand and to Antarctica, the least visited continent for one of the largest scientific studies ever undertaken.  There I experienced adventure and the unspoiled grandeur of nature, as well as crushing tragedy.

Wake Them Up, They'll Listen To You
Wake Them Up, They'll Listen To You
by Chris Packham
ISBN: 978-1-61170-171-5
Price: 14.95, 112 pages

This workbook is designed to create a sense of competence for new and experienced substance abuse counselors. It provides information about approaches to facilitation, addressing difficult client behaviors in group, cognitive challenges in early recovery, and is filled with 14 group exercises that the new counselor can adopt immediately.

Veteran Guilt
Veteran Guilt
by Clyde Horn
ISBN: 978-1-61170-170-8
Price: 14.95, 36 pages

Death Is The Ultimte Military Sacrafice. And for veterans who live on guilt can dominate their lives.

This book, written by a Vietnam war veteran, gives hope to others by offering inspiring words to help free them from guilts curse.

745 - A Word War II Memoir
745 - A Memoir of World War II
by Carl Heintze
ISBN: 978-1-61170-168-5
Price: 14.00, 228 pages

In 1944 as World War II came to its final stages the desperate need of the Allies and the Axis was for manpower. Casualties were heavy in the last months of the war on both sides. Both sought anyone they could find capable of fighting.

Carl Heintze suddenly found himself  reclassified from limited service (as a “tailor”) to general service, (as a rifleman, basic). He was given the briefest training and sent to Europe as an infantry replacement: a body to fill a gap in ranks left by death or wounds. This is the story of how he succeeded in fulfilling that challenge, of how he made it through seven and a half months of combat, of how he shared in victory, of the men with whom he fought and what happened to them, told as he remembered it eight years later. It is a story rife with pain and endurance, the lot of the infantryman, a 745.

OMG  I Need A Job
OMG I Need A Job
by Bob Braham
ISBN: 978-1-61170-164-7
Price: 14.99, 126 pages

This book is ideal for anyone who is searching for a job, from those who have already been in the workforce to recent college graduates. No-nonsense and results-driven, this book will give you the information and inspiration you need to become the master of your own destiny and the architect of your own resume. It’s required reading for anyone who is committed to creating a gratifying career, one plum job at a time.

In today’s job market, landing a great employment opportunity can seem brutal. However, no matter what the current economy may indicate, the chance of becoming employed is well within your reach. That is, if you have a effective plan in motion. Now, seasoned senior executive, Bob Braham, draws from decades of experience in both the hiring and job hunting process to give you the roadmap that will lead to a highly desirable position.

Connect with Your Angels
Connect with your Angels: A guide for everyone
by Jenny D'Angelo
ISBN: 978-1-61170-161-6
Price: 20.00 , 210 pages

While the authentic mystical path is full of difficulties and demands great discipline, we do have the grace, given to us by God, of a direct and gracious relationship with the Angels. This is known in all the mystical traditions. In Jenny D’Angelo we have someone who has experienced this grace directly and is being transformed by it.

"This book will offer you three things: profound hope amidst the despair of our time, the deep joy of knowing yourself companioned by an Ambassador of God, and direct and luminous practices that will help you sustain the connection through everything." —Andrew Harvey author of The Hope and Light the Flame

Forty-Five at Eighty-Five
Forty-Five at Eighty Five
by Bruce Shelly
ISBN: 978-1-61170-60-9
Price: 14.00, 64 pages

Four Dozen Minus Three Geezerhood Poems

Bruce Shelly enjoyed the traditional writer’s zig-zag career. Chronologically, it included pre-adolescent paper route, scout camp lifeguard, hobo, college football scholarship, college dropout, cub reporter, radio writer, newspaper editor, Korean War soldier, Congressman’s chief of staff, advertising Executive, and thirty years as a Hollywood Screenwriter. His writings include newspaper columns, magazine short stories and articles, political speeches ads, children’s books, a mystery novel, number one television shows, and hundreds more that weren’t number one, tv movies, a theatrical film, animated series, greeting cards, and bumper stickers.

The Legend of Cricket, the Horse by the Side of the Road
The Legend of Cricket, the Horse by the Side of the Road
by Rita Brennan-Leitner
ISBN: 978-1-61170-153-1
Price: 12.95, 32 pages

All proceeds of this book will be donated to NCEFT: National Center for Equine Facilitated Therapy

Cricket was dubbed “the Sentinel of the Road.” This swaybacked mare was there every day, on the same curvy road to the Mother Lode Country and Yosemite National Park, until she died at the age of 38. Cricket broke up the boredom for daily commuters as they drove home.
I have written Cricket’s story to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of her passing. — Rita

“Horses, Hope and Healing”

Selected Poems
Selected Poems. 1940-1990
by Carl F. Heintze
ISBN: 978-1-61170-152-4
Price: 10.00, 82 pages

The poems were gathered from more than one hundred others Carl has saved over the years and those which he wished people to read. He stopped writing poetry in my fifties... He is proud of one or two, but less enthused by others. Carl does not know why he stopped writing poetry, but clearly it was in part because he no longer needed it as a means of expression. Nevertheless, he thinks it worth saving these poems, if only because they are a record of the past.

Codependency & Men
Codependency & Men
by Mary Crocker Cook
ISBN: 978-1-61170-147-0
Price: 25.00 , 124 pages
  • Is Codependency experienced differently by men
  • What role does gender play in the way Codependency ‘looks’ for men?
  • Should Codependency treatment be different for men?

This book utilizes stories, self-evaluation tools and practical strategies to interrupt and heal patterns that have derailed many men’s relationships and recovery attempts for years. Here, at last, is a comprehensive understanding of Codependency specifically for men.

The Devil Forgiven
The Devil Forgiven
by James L. Sullivan
ISBN: 978-1-61170-142-5
Price: 12.95, 130 pages

The story goes through many twists and turns and the reader is continuously pulled along. It concerns an extremely remorseful evil one who, after plotting against God’s plan of enhancing the universe, finally realizes his disastrous error. To be forgiven, the devil is provided the opportunity of living five lives over 1200 years to experience five types of alcoholism with a view towards eventually obtaining the means of overcoming this dreaded disease. “A little heavy on sex, nevertheless, very intriguing.” —Gordon Pynes, retired journalist.

America's Bichon Frise
America's Bichon Frise
by Bernice Devine Richardson
ISBN: 978-1-61170-143-2 — Hardback edition
Price: 28.50, 94 pages

Regenerating an Ancient European Dog Breed
Francois and Helene Picault arrived from France with five little white dogs. The breed had been registered in France for many generations and it was thought that the Bichons would readily be accepted for registration by the American Kennel Club. This was not to be. There would be a long road ahead as there were rules and regulations to follow. It was the meeting of Azalea Gascoigne in Wisconsin and Gertrude Fournier in San Diego, California that made the difference, each with the same goal for the breed. They worked together with other dog fanciers to form a national breed club, THE BICHON FRISE CLUB of AMERICA, INC.

And That's The Way it Was. Memoirs of a Nasa Physiologist
And That's the Way It Was
by John Greenleaf
ISBN: 978-1-61170-139-5 Hardback edition
Price: 28.00, 154 pages

Memoirs of a NASA Physiologist

Greenleaf worked as a research physiologist at the National Aeronautics and Space Administrations (NASA) Ames Research Center (ARC) at Moffett Field, California (near Palo Alto) from October 1963 to June 2002. In 1966-1967 he was awarded a Swedish Medical Research Council Senior Post-Doctoral Fellowship to study at the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology III in the Karolinska Institut, Stockholm.

Going Home
Going Home
by Carl Heintze
ISBN: 978-1-61170-138-8
Price: 14.00, 198 pages

On Kauai Wilson meets an Irish-American pediatrician. He later runs into her at the mainland hospital, where his device is being tested. Difficulties with the device persist. Just as it is about to be tested again Wilson is called back to Kauai, because of his father’s illness, leaving his pediatrician friend to stand by her patient alone. Read how Wilson resolves this impasse and reaches a decision about how his life will evolve.

Hobo Ashes
Hobo Ashes
by Steve Sporleder
ISBN: 978-1-61170-137-1
Price: 14.95, 326 pages

Take a journey with Detective Grady Prescott, who is hell-bound to solve a murder that is close to his heart. In this historical murder mystery, Sporleder draws on his experience as a fifth-generation Los Gatan to infuse his writing with a local flavor and history that includes meeting post World War II hobos in Los Gatos and along the California coast. They lived by their own well-mannered code, picking up jobs from local homes and merchants, all for a chance to ride the rails with a freedom few can imagine. But unexpected violence erupts, and over the next few decades we watch Grady play cat and mouse with a maniacal foe.

Four Beats to Every Measure
Four Beats to Every Measure
by Rita Beach
ISBN: 978-1-61170-134-0
Price: 30.00, 432 pages

A young girl raised in poverty in rural Kentucky finds she has one gift to connect her to the world. That gift is her ability to sing. For the next five decades, performing on stages across the country and in a variety of venues, she observes life at its best and worst. Rita’s humble beginnings, strong work ethic, and solid family ties keep her head on straight while those around her are losing theirs. The author’s road stories are not empty tales, but lessons learned about life through the medium of music.

Collaboration & Peak Performance
Collaboration and Peak Performance
by Patricia Mitchell & Sylvia Ramirez
ISBN: 978-1-61170-131-9
Price: 30.00, 246 pages

Collaboration in action. The 16 chapters (by 16 contributors) draw on research, theory and the work experiences of leaders, university faculty and doctoral students. To help emerging leaders, team members, team leaders and team consultants understand what they can do to foster collaboration for peak performance, this book begins with a discussion of collaboration- a must for success and ends with how inner and outer fulfillment will lead to self-awareness- a must for collaboration. Regardless of your position, the size of your organization, or the kind of customers you serve, this book is a must read!

Nerves of Steel. A Tribute to My Mother, Shi Ming Hu
Nerves of Steel. A tribute to my mother Shi Ming Hu
by Shauley Cheng
ISBN: 978-1-61170-130-2
Price: 17.00, 300 pages

An Extraordinary Life in Epic Times

Played out against the backdrop of the Chinese Revolution, the life of Shi Ming Hu was one of both unqualified success and soul-shattering heartbreak.

From a broad perspective, this is the true story of two lives that were broken apart by the forces that nearly engulfed our world in the mid. 20th century. Two young Chinese people, newly married and deeply in love with each other, are suddenly victimized by the bitter struggle for power in China between the Communist and Nationalist forces.

Short Shorts 'n' Stanzas
Short Shorts 'n' Stanzas
by Ray Toney
ISBN: 978-1-61170-132-6
Price: 12.95, 140 pages

A lot of laughs, a few tears, but always entertaining. Once you start reading, it’s hard to put it down.

For centuries folks have gathered around the campfires and told stories of their experiences. Some tales were true and others were made up on the spot to entertain their rapt listeners. In Short Shorts 'n' Stanzas, are examples of both the real and the imaginative, each told in just a few pages but each with a hook that will make you want to read more.

Brothers at Daybreak
Brothers at Daybreak
by Virginia C, McPartland
ISBN: 978-1-61170-127-2 (Hardback)
Price: 22.00, 226 pages

World War II B-24 crew beats the odds over Pacific waters.

This book tells the intimate story of 11 boys who got together in 1944 to fight World War II from the air above the vast Pacific Ocean. The young members of Pilot Frank Jeter's flight crew took their role in defeating the Japanese one mission and one day at a time. They stuck together to face the constant threat of falling out of the sky in war- weary B-24 bombers that lost engines and ran out of fuel at the most inopportune times.  The Jeter Crew's time together wasn't all tragic and sad, however. Brothers at Daybreak also chronicles the Jeter Crew's postwar lives and the enduring bond of brotherhood they never allowed to loosen.

Figments and other poems
Figments and other poems
by Pamela O'Shaughnessy
ISBN: 978-1-61170-119-7
Price: 25.00, 486 pages

An Intellegent, thoughtful and funny—yes funny—poet.

Pamela is a poet who has found the beauty, humor, and pathos in the world and is able to convert it into eminently readable—and enjoyable—poetry. Many of the poems deal with power and control—the ability or inability of the subjects (most of the poems deal with characters) to affect their world.

Local Habitations
Local Habitations, Laurel Edition
by Poet Laureates 2009 - 2013
ISBN: 978-1-61170-121-0
Price: 15.00, 100 pages

Contributions by Poet Laureates;
Nils Peterson
(Santa Clara County, 2009-2011), Parthenia M. Hicks (Los Gatos, 2010-2012), Sally Ashton (Santa Clara County, 2011-2013), David Denny (Cupertino, 2011-2013) and Erica Goss (Los Gatos, 2012-2014).

Warriors in Khaki
Warriors in Khaki
by Michael J. & Ann G. Knudson
ISBN: 978-1-61170-101-2
Price: 19.95, 166 pages

"Warriors in Khaki brings the history of WWI back to life through the biographies and photos of North Dakota’s Indian men who served in “The Great War.” It provides a personal link, a DNA chain, between the five or more generations of ND Indians since the time when President Wilson asked Congress to declare war on Germany in 1917." 

Anousim Awake
Anousim Awake
by Grace Serrano Fenn
ISBN: 978-1-61170-097-8
Price: 18.95, 184 pages
Anousim Awake! is the personal account of the revealed family Jewish identity of Gracia Serrano Fenn, a hidden Jewess who found out a “family secret” in 1999 in Israel. It is the Serrano family story of being raised with “no family past”, with no known true identity.

These lost Sephardim (Spanish Crypto-Jews) were thought to have disappeared, after their forced expulsion in the 1492 Spanish Inquisition. The full effect in the Iberian Peninsula (later Portugal) sent them scattering to the New World and elsewhere.
Tony's Tale. Tragedy in Arizona
Tony's Tale. Tragedy in Arizona
by Denise Carey-Costa
ISBN: 978-1-61170-099-2
Price: 9.95, 44 pages
Imagine being wrongfully accused of a crime, taken from your home, and locked up…

Relive the compelling 2012 case of a dog named Tony, court ordered to be euthanized in Clifton, Arizona.
This was the story that shocked the world and raised public outcry over judicial murder and how breed specific prejudice has gone too far.

A portion of the proceeds will be donated to The Lexus Project, a legal defence fund for all dog breeds. 

Squinting Over Water
Squinting Over Water. Short Stories
by Mary Kennedy Eastham
ISBN: 978-1-61170-093-0
Price: 12.95, 146 pages
She doesn’t sugarcoat things. This is one talented writer.
Kurt Vonnegut, Author “Cat’s Cradle”, “Slaughterhouse-Five” and “Breakfast of Champions”

There are no perfect people here. These characters are you and me trying to make sense of things - good and bad - coming up with a Plan B when life gets messy. One early reader said she would walk across continents to get to this book. These whimsical stories transformed her, made her believe once again in the true beauty and playfulness of life.

Among The Enemy. Hiding in Plain Sight in Nazi Germany
Among the Enemy: Hiding in Plain Sight in Nazi Germany
by Sam Genirberg
ISBN: 978-1-61170-076-3 Hardback Edition
Price: 22.95, 324 pages

THIS REMARKABLE WORLD WAR II MEMOIR documents the true story of a Jewish youth from Ukraine who evades death during the Holocaust by joining a transport of non-Jews conscripted for compulsory labor in Germany. Eighteen-year-old Sasha flees from the Nazi-occupied Dubno ghetto days before the mobile killing squads of the SS massacre the remaining Jewish inhabitants. He attempts to save himself by posing as a gentile in the very heart of Hitler’s Germany. Close calls, unexpected challenges, and hair-raising encounters punctuate each day on the run. As he moves from town to town and job to job, Sasha’s quick wit and some twists of fate allow him to survive—at least until the next time. Meeting no other Jews, he fears he may be the only Jew still alive in Europe.  

Jackson G. The Diary of a Life
Jackson G., The Diary of a Life
by Jackson Berton Green
ISBN: 978-1-61170-100-5
Price: 15.00, 146 pages

Jackson G., The Diary of a Life reflects the opinions, feelings and memories of Jackson Berton Green. The stories and conclusions he expressed are matters of personal opinions, not necessarily fact, and are no way intended to be hurtful to any individual or group. Numerous photos and documents were provided by Jackson and placed into this book with his supervision and approval. Written content was formulated by Susan Knight from Jackson’s letters and interviews to reflect his own memories of the times.

Afraid To Let Go
Afraid to Let Go. For Parents of Adult Addicts and Alcoholics
by Mary Crocker Cook
ISBN: 978-1-61170-092-3
Price: 16.95,190 pages

You are not Codependent simply because your adult child is an addict or alcoholic. All parents of addicted children of any age or terrified, confused, feel out of control, lose sleep, dread the phone calls at 3:00 in the morning. This book is for parents who are Afraid to Let Go because they do not know how to set boundaries with their adult children without feeling crippling anxiety, or walling themselves off to make separation possible.

Scientific Proof
Scientific Proof of our Unalienable Rights
by Michael T. Takac
ISBN: 978-1-61170-079-4
Price: 9.95, 148 pages

This book begins with an awakening of something old, often quoted, seldom elaborated, and eager to understand why Thomas Jefferson, in the Declaration of Independence, failed to prove his stated “self-evident” claim that our unalienable rights are part of the Laws of Nature. It covers the first known scientific proof to Jefferson’s claim. 

Two on Two
Two on Two, Two Novellas
by Carl Heintze
ISBN: 978-1-61170-070-1
Price: 14.00, 326 pages

Two stories about couples who struggle to find their way to love and fulfillment.
In the first, Sunset, a pair of aging San Francisco lawyers, one divorced, the other widowed, find their friendship turned to love as they were engaged in a case involving a Texas oil company named Sunset, owned and operated by a single  family. The second novella, Uncertain, details what happens during the Vietnam War when a woman hospital chaplain in Monterey meets a general who has been relieved of his command in World War II.

Journey to Sunshine Mountain
Journey to Sunshine Mountain by Peter Pillsbury Sr.
ISBN: 978-1-61170-068-8
Price: 14.95, 286 pages

This is a story of a traditional couple who, with their three young children, became caught up in the social politics of poverty and racism, the counterculture movement and spiritual awakening of the sixties and early seventies. Their unique and audacious journey began in Dallas. As their life unfolded, they lived in Princeton, Switzerland, Africa, New York City, inner city Detroit, and finally rural California. This book is more, much more, than a memoir. It provides thoughtful and penetrating glimpses from their wanderings in Europe and community development work in the newly independent nation of Kenya to a more in depth involvement in the social, political, and counterculture storm that tore through America. It is the story about how these events changed and shaped their lives and brought them to their homestead on Sunshine Mountain.

A Podiatric Practitioner's Biomechanic and Surgical Guide
A Podiatric Practitioner's Biomechanic and Surgical Guide
by Thomas E. Sgarlato, DPM
ISBN: 978-1-61170-066-4
204 pages

Dr. Sgarlato describes an improvement in hallus valgus correction and discusses advancements in correction of lesser MP joint dysplasias, in addition to many other important surgical procedures. 

Mentoring in Higher Education
Mentoring in Higher Education - Best Practices
by: Dr. Marcia Canton & Dr. David James
ISBN: 978-1-935125-16-7
Price: 20.00, 88 pages
Mentoring in Higher Education - Best Practices Workbook
by: Dr. Marcia Canton & Dr. David James
ISBN: 978-1-61170-059-6
Price: 15.00, 62 pages

Mentoring in Higher Education: Best Practices focuses on models of effective mentoring that can be used for staff development and also what administrators and faculty can do to work effectively with diverse student populations in order to promote high levels of student academic success. This book describes the significance of best mentoring practices in academic institutions and is designed as a resource for boards and presidents, chancellors, faculty, affirmative action officers, administrators of mentoring programs, academic affairs officers, student counselors, and participants in mentoring programs.

A Sea of White Impatiens
Book 1 - A Sea of White Impatiens    ISBN: 978-1-61170-063-3
208 Pages, $11.99
by Chris Murphy
Book 2 - Superior Bodies     ISBN: 978-1-61170-063-3
246 Pages, $11.99

Book 1: No one who grew up during the Depression deserved to suffer children who belonged both to the Baby Boom and X generations, but William and Joan Gallagher did, and did they suffer. How these two fine, moral people produced children who committed larceny, engaged in strange sex, used cremated remains as confetti and got haircuts at the Port Authority Bus Terminal is beyond explanation. Arrogant, tribal, bloodthirsty and sweet, the Gallagher children would only be on each other’s teams, and while seemingly a world apart from their parents, they shared more than heavy eyebrows over gorgeous eyes.
Book 2: Christian Gallagher joins Superior Bodies, a shabby, poorly run gym whose only attractions are that it is owned and operated by gay lovers and is five blocks away from his house. Confident the club will fail without his investment and leadership, Christian buys into the operation and, with the help of Samia Siva, SB’s only female member and his new BFF, turns the place into a high-end gay gym and bathhouse.

Child of the Holocaust
Child of the Holocaust
by: Yitzhak Dishon
ISBN: 978-1-61170-056-5
Price: 9.50, 72 pages

True story of a 10 year-old child who survived alone during the Nazi invasioin of Hungary.

Walk in the shoes of a small boy who roamed the streets of a war-torn country… …dodging bullets of Nazi soldiers …cutting up frozen horses for food …dashing across a bridge as it’s being bombed. A factual recollection of the events just as they happened.   

El Vago
El Vago. A Vagabond Travels Around the World
by James Sullivan
ISBN: 978-1-61170-054-1
Price: 18.95, 384 pages

James began traveling the world in 1986, and hasn’t stopped since. Thanks to this wanderlust, he eventually traveled his way to (and through!) all seven continents and 146 countries. He used every form of transportation that was available. Read stories told by James in his own colorful, interesting and extremely personal style.

PTSD in Pictures and Words
PTSD in Pictures & Words
by Clyde R. Horn
ISBN: 978-1-61170-055-8
Price: 14.95, 64 pages

PTSD in Pictures & Words is a book without technical terms and language and is intended to address Veterans of all wars, conflicts and trauma.

As a combat veteran, of the Vietnam War, Clyde also suffers from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and understands the debilitating effects and the struggle many veterans experience with this terrible disorder.   

Surviving War, Surviving Autism
Surviving War, Surviving Autism
by Kim Yen Nguyen
ISBN: 978-1-61170-052-7
Price: 16.99, 156 pages

This book recounts the author’s childhood growing up during the Vietnam War, her journey to America, school and college experiences dotted with humor and heartache, poignant memories of John F. Kennedy Jr., and life as a single parent raising three autistic children.   

From Sleepy Lagoon to the Corner of the Cats
From Sleepy Lagoon to the Corner of the Cats
by Steve Sporleder
ISBN: 978-1-61170-051-0
Price: 17.95, 385 pages

Sporleder’s deft style engages us early on in this singular narrative that weaves the thread of la familia Reyes through four generations, from the 1917 Mexican Revolution to the bubbling cauldron of racial tension in 1940s Los Angeles and, finally, to Los Gatos, California.   

Vidya Sinha's Cookbook: Indian Vegetarian Recipes of Bhojpur
Vidya Sinha's Cookbook: Indian Vegetarian Recipes of Bhojpur
by Vidya Sinha
ISBN: 978-1-61170-050-3
Price: 15.00, 120 pages

This cookbook is a collection of everyday vegetarian recipes based on the culinary traditions of Bhojpur region of India. The recipes presented here are simple, wholesome, and full of flavor. Some may find them nostalgic...reminiscent of one’s mother’s and grandmother’s kitchen.   

Ten Stupid Things Women Do To Mess Up Their Careers
Ten Stupid Things Women Do To Mess Up Their Careers
by Dr. Patricia Mitchell & Giselle Parry Ed.D.
ISBN: 978-1-61170-041-1
Price: 20.00, 32 pages
Illustrations by Virginia Fordice

If you are embarking on a career or if you are still in the game, maybe it will be of assistance to read about the Ten Stupid Things Women Do To Mess Up Their Careers.  Women are challenged to still compete in a man’s world. This is hard to believe when in many respects we have come so far. But statistics do not lie and women still earn only seventy cents to each dollar a man earns. Despite the high levels of education women obtain, we still only hold a very small percentage of senior executive positions.   

Development of the Tennis Racket
Development of the Tennis Racket
by John Greenleaf
ISBN: 978-1-61170-039-8 - Hardback
Price: 25.00, 100 pages

The purpose of this book is to present an accurate and comprehensive picture of the development of the tennis racket from its beginning to the mid-1950's. Development of the tennis racket is as interesting as the development of the game itself, which has been studied extensively by many authorities and students of the game. One can gain insight into the game itself by studying the transformations the racket has undergone.

Words Together, Words Alone
Said or Unsaid
Words Together, Words Alone
by Alan Goldfarb
ISBN: 978-1-61170-037-4
Price: 11.95, 86 pages
Said or Unsaid
ISBN: 978-1-61170-078-7
Price: 11.95, 88 pages

A collection of the author's poetry.

Alan is a graduate of Grinnell College and Syracuse University. He worked for the federal government in New York, Chicago and San Francisco, and was a Visiting Scholar at the University of California, Berkeley where he also served three terms on the city council.

Fly Gals of World War II
Fly Gals of World War II
by Eleanor Thompson Wortz
ISBN: 978-1-61170-034-3
Price: 15.00, 174 pages

Fly Gals of World War II, is a feisty young southern woman’s account of her two years with the Women Airforce Service Pilots (WASP). Eleanor Thompson had determined at age 12 that she would fly. She earned a private pilot’s license at 19. At 21 she became the first WASP from North Carolina. Eleanor’s amazing account of verve and valor provides an intimate look into an unheralded part of American history. Once privy to her story, no reader will question that she and the other brave women of the WASP deserved the Congressional Gold Medal, which they finally received in 2010. 

Conflict in the Workplace
Conflict in the Workplace: Causes and Cures
by ArLyne Diamond, Ph.D.
ISBN: 978-1-61170-032-9
Price: 15.00, 56 pages

This book is a must-read for every modern manager and team member. It details practical and immediately applicable steps you can use today to successfully reduce workplace conflict. Whether the conflict in your workplace has arisen due to culture, gender, generational, personality style, or just plain stressed out and overworked employees, Dr. Diamond’s insights shed light on the likely origin of the conflict. She then walks you through simple steps to resolve the conflict quickly and easily. Dr. Diamond’s no-nonsense approach will charm and disarm you and anyone else involved in workplace conflict. 

A Walk to the Center of Things
A Walk to the Center of Things
by Nils Peterson
ISBN: 978-1-61170-027-5
Price: 15.00, 124 pages

Nils Peterson’s poems move with depth, authority, and the occasional grace-granting glint of humor as they travel through image, idea, and a deep storehouse of recollection both cultural and personal. A lifetime’s attention to both writing and living buoys these intimate, intelligent, sometimes chastened, sometimes celebratory, but always compassionate pages. —James Hirshfield  

My Dakota
My Dakota
by Alan Quale
ISBN: 978-1-61170-026-8
Price: 13.50, 324 pages

Eric Anderson and his boyhood friends find adventure, and danger, in unexpected places. They seek refuge from a winter storm in a cave they share with hibernating rattlesnakes; they run for their lives through a railroad tunnel, chased by the world’s slowest freight train; and they enjoy lazy summer afternoons riding their horses and swimming in Lonesome Lagoon. The prairie offers Eric and his friends the freedom to go anywhere and do almost anything, a freedom seldom found anywhere else.

Chang Fury
Chang Fury.  Creators Cut Edition.
by Damion Kendrick
ISBN: 978-1-61170-022-0
Price: 15.95, 234 pages

Welcome to the Chang Fury saga features issues one through eight plus the prologue issue with a new extended beginning. 
In an attempt to rescue his fiancée from the clutches of Shao Yun he must also fight his inner fury at the same time to focus on the fierce battle. Will Chang Lee give into his fury to save his true love and defeat Dark Karma, or will it consume and prevent him from a successful rescue? 

The Loose Stone
The Loose Stone, a three-time cancer survival story
by Mary Andresen Darms
ISBN: 978-1-61170-016-9
Price: 16.95, 144 pages

This book is the record of one woman’s journey through three types of cancer, eight surgeries, endless test procedures and repeated death prognoses, all through which she made the remarkable choice to live. Mary Darms’ Loose Stone is not only heroic and truly inspiring, but indispensable with detailed appendices packed with helpful tips and information for cancer patients. Highly recommended.  

Seduction of the Mind
Seduction of the Mind
by Nita Goyal
ISBN: 978-1-61170-021-1
Price: 16.90, 246 pages

Science, philosophy, and spirituality meet in ‘Seduction of the Mind’. This book is about spiritual awakening and unlocking the secret of creation that exists within the sacred spaces of our being. Written in visionary fiction style in which the protagonist's, Radha, quest to know her identity in the cosmic set up of things, she sets off a chain of events which would lead her to the deepest corners and, eventually, put her at the edge of mind. Thus begins a mystical journey too adventurous to even think, as the answers began to come in the most inexplicable way, defying logic yet standing as facts.  

Red Men - White Names
Red Men — White Names
by Stalking Wolf
ISBN: 978-1-61170-012-1
Price: 10.00, 88 pages

The People of One Fire had survived in the Carolina’s for over 10,000 years, would the flood of European settlers drown them or would the Great Spirit provide a method of salvation? Will a simple Native American retain his belief that all Two-Hairs are evil, or will he come to realize that there are good and bad in all peoples? The good try to follow God as they understand him to be. 

The 4 Secrets to College Life Success
The 4 Secrets to College Life Success
by Clint Pardoe
ISBN: 978-1-61170-003-9
Price: 19.95, 116 pages

Clint Pardoe, America’s #1 College Life Success Coach, takes the most powerful information about life success that he’s learned, implemented and taught for over a decade and packs it into this simple, easy-to-read, life-changing book! The 4 Secrets to College Life Success will provide you with greater awareness of and practical tools for the most important areas of life that—whether you’re a freshman or a graduate student—will support you in thriving in your life during and after college.

Chopstix, Healing My Heart in the Heart of China
Chopstix: Healing My Heart in the Heart of China
by JoAn Smith
ISBN: 978-1-935125-83-9, Hardback
Price: 26.50, 426 pages

Chopstix: Healing My Heart in the Heart of China is the true story of a modern woman’s two year journey of self-discovery and recovery while in China after having lost the Great American dream. JoAn finds a new name and her true identity after coming full circle; reinventing herself through courage and curiosity, and discovering that, yes, there is life after divorce.

The Back of the House
The Back of the House
by John F. Doscher
ISBN: 978-1-935125-99-0
Price: 14.95, 108 pages
If you work at the Plaza Hotel in New York long enough, you hear strange and sometimes true stories. This book is a combination of both. Many of the situations described in this book did happen, some almost happened, and some could have happened given the nature of the hotel...
Crush & Heat, two stories
Crush & Heat
by Carl F. Heintze
ISBN: 978-1-935125-86-0
Price: 14.00, 212 pages
The Napa and other valleys north of San Francisco Bay are the settings for these two novellas. In Crush Charles Henry, a San Jose newspaper reporter, is enlisted by Gina Cefalu, a wealthy Napa Valley widow and former high school classmate, to try and find her missing son who has mysteriously vanished from his home and his marriage without leaving a message. Heat is about another valley and another time long ago. A boy, Charles, perhaps Charles Henry, is working picking windfall peaches for his Uncle Will. The ranch lies at the edge of wild lands on which deer and even mountain lions range. A fire threatens the ranch and its crop, requiring of Charles and Uncle Will swift and difficult actions.
Picking Tomatoes when the Sky was in Flames
Picking Tomatoes When The Sky Was In Flames
by Ursula Anna Fischer Smith
ISBN: 978-1-935125-84-6
Price: 17.50, 340 pages

A Compelling Story of Survival, Love and Resilience

The spellbinding true story of a young girl in a close-knit coal miner’s family unfolds in Germany during six years of World War II and the years that follow.   Ursula and her brothers experience normal childhood adventures while the world around them is caught up in the flames of war. The struggle for survival comes alive in Essen, a city in the Ruhr Valley known for its steel industry, coal mines and manufacturing plants. This sensitive account shows war’s effect on the civilian population in a war zone and their determination to rebuild their lives in peace.
Burning Gorgeous
Burning Gorgeous ~ Seven 21st Century Poets
Paperback: ISBN 978-1-935125-79-2     $18.25
: ISBN 978-1-935125-81-5       $26.00
Edited by: Pamela O'Shaughnessy
288 pages
The Poets: William Fairbrother, Pamela O'Shaughnessy, J. R. Pearson, Steve Parke,r Beth Vieira, Greg Grummer, and David Mehler: Seven poets from three countries, forty pages each, and no rules—this is Burning Gorgeous, an anthology of new, experimental poetry edited and published by the poets themselves. In contrast to most of the western poetry published today, these poems have been written and published outside academia by poets who found each other in an Internet poetry forum.

WHY BURNING GORGEOUS? Burning can be passionate or corrosive or destructive, but it is always full-force. Gorgeous things are more than beautiful; they seem flawed or even ugly at first, because the new is always dissonant, always strange.

by Mary Fujiyoshi
ISBN: 978-1-935125-82-2
Price: 16.65, 60 pages
An Inspirational Alphabet Book For Those Who Already Know Their ABCs ~ with colorful illustrations by Nita Piper.   Mary Fujiyoshi brings words from the original messengers for reflection and connection to angels, illustrated with 26 ink and watercolor paintings that will give you joy or pause for thought.
Second Chance in Singapore
Second Chance in Singapore
by Ursula H. Meier
ISBN: 978-1-935125-80-8
Price: 16.50, 224 pages
A Captivating Tale of Three Lonely Travelers on a Life-Changing Journey.  This beautifully told story unfolds amid lush flora, intricate customs and elegant hotels in Malaysia, Hong Kong and Singapore. On a flight to Singapore, Jeffrey Millner, a young orthopedic surgeon, meets wealthy Englishman and his beautiful, mysterious daughter. Through unforeseen events, the three will be linked for the next two months—time enough for the young doctor to fall in love with the troubled young woman. Jeffrey, who understands tragedy, vows to help her shake free from dark childhood memories and find acceptance of her legendary mother’s past.
Whispered Blessings
Whispered Blessings ~ Stories that Inform, Illuminate and Inspire
by Deborah T. Simon
ISBN: 978-1-935125-74-7
Price: 15.49, 224 pages
Told as Momma Tee shared them with the author, Whispered Blessings is a collection of short stories that is for everyone. They are for the one who has ever had an obstacle in their path, an ocean to cross or a mountain to move. They are for those seeking inspiration and hope and a way to move beyond the familiar into the unknown. These stories are for individual’s seeking wisdom and folks who want to be entertained and delighted.
Masters on the Trail
Masters on the Trail - A Backpack Primer for Folks over Fifty
by Jim Rogers
ISBN: 978-1-935125-76-1
Price: 14.49, 156 pages
A book to help you start backpacking adventure on the right foot, whether you’re just beginning or starting over.
Ever dream of living outdoors, your home on your back and enjoying the backcountry? Now is the time to do it! Today’s clothing and gear is lighter and more efficient and planning resources are the best ever. There are good trails and great adventures within reach of where you live. Today a safe, enjoyable overnight trek in the back country is possible for most anyone of any age.
Final Justice
Final Justice ~ The assassins of JFK return to terrorize again
by James Robert Miller
ISBN: 978-1-935125-41-9
Price: 19.95, 196 pages
Who killed JFK? America’s mystery makes a return in James Miller’s new thriller, FINAL JUSTICE. A gripping climax and twists and turns in the plot keep you glued to the page, …a sensitive and well written novel. —Sharpwriters Review
The genesis of FINAL JUSTICE is the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the escalation of the Vietnam war. But FINAL JUSTICE is a contemporary tale, a meticulously researched weaving of history into a totally modern story. The assassins of JFK return to terrorize an incoming administration and only one woman, with a unique and secret tie to the slain president can stop them!  With the explosive climax, the reader is left gasping: Has America at last, achieved its final justice?.
Anglerobics, Your Mind, Body, and the Fish
Anglerobics, Your Mind, Body, and the Fish
by Robert Moncrieff
ISBN: 978-1-935125-60-0
Price: 12.00, 160 pages
Anglerobics is a collection of comic illustrations and commentary that aims to inject a bit of whimsy into the world of fishing literature, a difficult task in a genre dominated by technical, “how to”, and often boring books inducing somnolence. Based on the work of George O. Dragg, deceased master angler and teacher, Anglerobics pokes some fun at various fishing concepts, but also offers sound advice for novice and veteran anglers alike. Where else can one find solutions to overlooked but common problems, like leaky waders, bad snarls, and “appearing unobtrusive”?    Cartoons by Robert Moncrieff
Gallivanting in the Gem City
Gallivanting in the Gem City, Stories of Los Gatos, California
by Steve Sporleder
ISBN: 978-1-935125-57-0
Price: 17.95, 288 pages
Turning the pages of this book is a step back into small-town life in Northern California. These memorable stories vibrate with nostalgia and warmth as they share the lives of the generations of families living their tears and their laughter in Los Gatos, California. When Steve Sporleder uncovers the trials and triumphs of these characters, they are so real they could be your next-door neighbors.
A Fouled Nest
A Fouled Nest
by Steve Sporleder


Price: 17.95, 180 pages

Venice Webb fled the family nest in Los Gatos, California, as a young man, never understanding the reason for his father’s neglect or the other bizarre family dynamics—and knowing he probably never would. Now, some thirty years later, the truth is closing in on him like a freight train at full speed.  Wendell Webb, has died. Although apathetic about his father, Venice feels obligated to help his sister and heads back to Los Gatos. In a starting mix of abrupt confessions, resurfacing memories, and disturbing clues, Venice is left to piece together the incidents that have forever marked the Webb family.
An Island in the Turquoise Sea
An Island in the Turquoise Sea ~Short Stories of Kauai
by Carl Heintze
ISBN: 978-1-935125-53-2
Price: 14.00, 220 pages
“We all live on islands,” a old man counsels in “An Island in the Turquoise Sea,” the opening story in this collection of short stories.  But all islands are not the same. “An Island in the Turquoise Sea” tells of a special island, Kauai, the northern most inhabited of the Hawaiian islands, the first to emerge from the ocean eons ago. Its subject is its natives and its visitors. Once dependent on sugar cane, but now a tourists’ dream Kauai has drawn Heintze to it each year for thirty years. “An Island in the Turquoise Sea” is his tribute to the island. In it Carl describes those who have lived there all their lives and those come for the first time. His stories tell how the island, though seemingly eternal, brings change, of how its trade winds, showers, clouds and surf offer new vistas, new life and new beginnings. Two of these stories are prize winners, but all are bewitching. Like Kauai itself, truly an island in the turquoise sea, they are unique.
Winning at the Hiring Game
Winning at the Hiring Game
by Adrienne Landy
ISBN: 978-1-935125-54-9
Price: 21.95, 64 pages
~ Book 1 in the Series ~ Use as a stand alone book or can be used when attending a seminar.   Getting the Right Job Offer Inside or Outside of your present company will be Easy, Once you've learned what Hiring Game has to teach! The book is meant to be empowering, focusing on women at all stages of their professional careers.  This book contains tools which are intended to give women the “insider information” they need to succeed in today’s competitive and complex work world.
How to Tell if Your Wife is Having an Affair
How to Tell if Your Wife is Having an Affair
by Anthony Raymond
ISBN: 978-1-935125-52.5
Price: 17.95, 152 pages
When asked how she got away with her affairs without her husband knowing, an interviewee answered, ‘It’s easy. Men are dumb!’ Well maybe it’s about time we men got smart.   DOES SHE OR DOESN’T SHE? The wives tell all in “true confessions” expose’ of the lives of wives in this permissive era. Anthony Raymond reports on the many things a man can look out for when suspecting his “faithful bride” has something going on, on the side. Some of the outlandishly clever means some wives have used to keep their husbands in the dark about their extramarital flings, as told by the wives themselves.  Illustrations by Frank Hill.
Most Guys are Clueless
Most Guys are Clueless
by David Gordon
ISBN: 978-1-935125-46-4
Price: 9.95, 18 pages
Timeless relationship advice for both men and women, gleaned from years of hearing women‛s frustrations about how they‛ve been treated! 
EVERYONE should read MOST GUYS ARE CLUELESS... men and women. Just in case a woman forgets what she should be expecting from a relationship, this is a great reminder. And for men... just in case THEY have forgotten what women expect from a relationship... and don‛t want women to remind them (again)!  Full color illustrations.
Love Your Man Like You Love Your Dog
Love Your Man Like You Love Your Dog
by: Maïa Madden
ISBN: 978-1-61170-173-9
Price: 12.95, 120 pages

Love Your Man Like You Love Your Dog challenges women to look at the loving relationships they have with their dogs and extend equal kindness, devotion and understanding to the men in their lives.

Whimsical yet empowering, Love Your Man Like You Love Your Dog never scolds or insults women. Instead, it illustrates how unconditional love is an attainable goal, one they already share with their dogs. It is a wake-up call for meaningful change, with instructions included.  

by: Art Hansl
ISBN: 978-1-935125-27-3  (Hardback)
Price: 25.95, 280 pages
Art Hansl’s journey through life — Marine Corps, Mexico, Europe, Film Career, and all the adventures he experienced along the way. A fun read about a very bright guy who had humor, good looks, and lots of luck!

The bars between Laguna Beach and Newport kept Art busy, and the assets of California beach bunnies weren’t exaggerated...  During his travelse met gangsters, con artists, a variety of playboys and playgirls. Italy beckoned because of a beautiful, actress and model whom he married. Then feature films. His first was a barely visible gig in Cast a Giant Shadow with Kirk Douglas. Soon parts with Ugo Tognazzi, Stefania Sandrelli and Ursula Andress. Locations took him to places such as a slave market in Marrakech, through an avalanche in Switzerland, and he survived a mob in Yugoslavia.

Bringing Heaven to Earth
Bringing Heaven to Earth: A Journey into Grace & Gratitude
by: Lee Ann Laraway
ISBN: 978-1-935125-29-7
Price: 15.90, 208 pages

Lee Ann offers us a window into her own world. Despite the physical limitations of living through a severe, repeatedly undiagnosed case of polio in infancy, many medical calamities, and the ramifications of living with a progressing physical disability, Lee Ann has not lived in a limited way. Insightful and authentic, she shares her life story and spiritual unfolding from a metaphysical perspective in hopes of inspiring others to look beyond the surface of their own life experience to a deeper, sacred level that makes sense out of chaos and creates a joy-filled, peaceful life.  

Alone on the Yellow Brick Road
Alone on the Yellow Brick Road ~ A Memoir
by: Beverly Kalinin
ISBN: 978-1-935125-40-2
Price: 15.00, 160 pages

Beverly talks about Love, Life, Death, Grief, and Moving on. In the short span of nine months, the same time period required for birth, Beverly Kalinin nurses her sick husband and attends him lovingly in his dying. Painful mourning follows and she discovers a startling fact—that people grieve as they have lived. And the rate of successful healing is determined by the experience and quality of one’s journey. Alone on the Yellow Brick Road is a sensitively written memoir of love, life, death, grief, and moving on. 

03 Why Me?  0300 Marine Infantry
03 Why Me?  0300 Marine Infantry
by: Joe C. Noriega Jr.
ISBN: 978-1-935125-35-8
Price: 15.00, 180 pages

This is a book of short stories: • For young Marines who are just starting their tour of duty.• For families who have members in the Marines.• To keep the memories of a tour of duty alive. “The stories in this book are about my life as a ground pounding mud sucking grunt. They might make you laugh, cry, and at times leave you wondering. To those who have given everything for this great country and asked for nothing in return, I SALUTE YOU.” ~ Joe C. Noriega Jr.  
Our Men will be home when the job is done... Not a minute before... not a minute after.

No Open Wounds
Heal Traumatic Stress NOW, No Open Wounds
by: Dr. Robert L. Bray, Ph.D.
ISBN: 978-1-935125-19-8
Price: 19.95, 304 pages
An easy to read and use guide to understanding and healing painful events from your past, using Thought Field Therapy (TFT) with complete instructions for using a non-drug, non-invasive, non-cognitive, safe technique to eliminate overwhelming upset in the context of a complete approach to mending the aftermath of horrific life and death experiences.  This book gives you step-by-step instructions to activate meridian treatment points by tapping on the points with your fingertips. A Safe, effective, and fast relief from overwhelming emotional distress and pain.
Momma, I Told You To Write
Momma, I Told You To Write
by: Gladys Alex
ISBN: 978-1-935125-20-4
Price: 9.95, 52 pages
This book reflects moments, experiences, and issues in black society. Cataloged in the written word of poetry, it explores character flaws and inspires ambitions from teens to adults.
Kathryn's Crossing
Kathyrn's Crossing ~ A Journey to a Bridge in Africa
by: Lynn Brendlen
ISBN: 978-1-935125-09-9
Price: 12.00, 108 pages

All proceeds from this book are donated to Bridging the Gap
Kathryn’s Crossing
takes you on a poetic journey into one of the most remote regions of Kenya. West Pokot is an area barely touched by the print of modern man, where the people live as their ancestors did for eons. This story begins with the love of two people, sweethearts from their youth, adventurers from their souls with a relentless quiet inward call that beckons them to reach out to others. They came to Africa to help build a bridge—one of many. You won’t have to buy a ticket or pack a suitcase, for Lynn’s writing will transport you into the world of Africa; her descriptions paint the scene.

From My Window in Paris
From My Window in Paris
by: Esther Dickler
ISBN: 978-0-9801675-9-7
Price: 15.75, 152 pages

From My Window in Paris is an inspiring and funny book about the author’s move to Paris—a brave adventure for a single woman traveling alone, with no knowledge of the language! Esther's story takes place over a period of one year and focuses on her life in transition after the death of her husband— her struggles adapting to the French way of life: plumbing problems in her tiny apartment, hilarious communication issues, the threat of possible spies, her encounters with French men, and "oh my goodness, the pastries!" Esther’s adaptation to France and the general excitement of day-to-day living in a new culture combines frustration, surprise, tears, and laughter—and culminates in a peak cosmic experience, with a self-realization she never dreamed possible.

All They Had
All They Had: Stories of War and it's Aftermath
by: Carl F. Heintz
ISBN: 978-1-935125-03-7
Price: 14.00, 181 pages

Band of Brothers? (Stories based on actual events) They were the dregs, the last manpower left to fight the closing days of World War II. They were the cast-offs of service commands, the Air Force rejects, the college boys the Army had hoarded until then in the Army Specialized Training Program, the 18-year-olds just old enough to be drafted, but not to buy a drink. With inadequate and hasty training these infantry replacements were rushed overseas to fill the gaps in the frontline left by unexpected casualties.These boys learned quickly, and if they didn’t, they became casualties themselves. And by their presence they brought the war in Europe to a close; they created a peace, they began a new world—a world bright with hope yet stained by the past.

Pierre's War - From Invasion to Liberation
Pierre's War, From Invasion to Liberation
by: Annick O. Shinn
ISBN: 978-0-9801675-1-1
Price: 18.50, 324 pages

A Childhood Interrupted by WWII   ~  In 1940, German troops invade France. Overnight, ten-year old Pierre’s life is turned upside down. Optimistic by nature, he believes the occupation of his country won’t last. However, as time goes by and the situation worsens, he must adjust to reality. With resilience, he learns to live as normally as possible within his close-knit family, surrounded by the havoc of war. In difficult times, people show their best or worst behavior. Friendships are made, strained, or lost. Pierre experiences all these, but never loses hope during the four long years separating the first day of invasion to the day of liberation.

A Month of Sundays
A Month of Sundays, Villa life in the South of France
by: Ira and Barbara Spector
ISBN: 978-0-9660369-1-6
Price: 18.00, 224 pages

"This book is based on actual experiences during month-long vacations in the South of France. In our search for the perfect place we discovered, purely by accident, that there are numerous affordable villas for rent in the hills along the Mediterranean coast..."  A humorous account of an American husband and wife who stumble upon the perfect "Enchanted April" villa on the French Riviera near St-Tropez. But knowing little of the language and even less of the culture, will they find bliss—or the Bastille—as they attempt to live among the French? A must read for those of you interested in the pros and cons of villa rentals—whether your preference is Provence, Tuscany, or any other destination. 

Gypsy on a Jet...
Gypsy on a Jet...
by: James L. Sullivan Ph.D.
ISBN: 978-0-9798633-9-4
Price: 18.95, 296 pages

Senior citizen Jim Sullivan, aka “The Wanderer,” spent 3 years traveling and working throughout Africa (from January 2001 to February 2004), where he visited 22 countries while existing on an extremely limited budget. His mode of travel consisted of whatever was available (broken-down buses, ships that should have been junked years prior, backs of motor-bikes, and just plain backpacking). A man of wit and perception, he brings to life the people of Africa, the wide gaps between poverty and wealth, and gives vivid descriptions of cities, jungles and wild animals he viewed on his great adventure. Note: All profits from the sale of this book are being donated to charities.

My Cherished Memories
My Cherished Memories
by: Margaret Seiders-Metz
ISBN: 978-0-9798633-3-6
Price: 19.95, 412 pages

A Life of Memories and Surprises...  Margaret enjoyed writing this book because it helped her live her life a second time around. It brought back so many memories, the good ones and even the bad ones. She is thankful that the good Lord blessed her with so many wonderful people in her life. She learned through her mistakes. She shared many happy years with loved ones who will always hold a special place in her heart....

Westward Ho!
Westward Ho!
by: LaVerne Uhte
ISBN: 978-0-9798633-1-8
Price: 16.95, 344 pages

"Go West, young man. Go West and grow up with the country." LaVerne's ancestors were doing this long before Horace Greeley wrote his oft quoted words in the 1840s. LaVerne Brookover Uhte's story begins with her ancestor's 17 week voyage in 1754 from Europe to the British colonies in America. When the ship that carried Jacob Brookover from the land of his birth sailed into Chesapeake Bay, he found himself alone in a strange land at the age of sixteen. LaVerne tells how succeeding generations spread out in all directions from the eastern seaboard to the Pacific Ocean, and goes on to write about her eighty-five years, living through a time of accelerated cultural changes.

Fighting the Giant
Fighting the Giant
by: Sheila White
ISBN: 978-0-9798633-3-2
Price: 16.25, 72 pages

Sheila White shows by example how any woman can fight for her rights in the workplace. She describes what her life was like working in the railroad yards of Tennessee, how she learned to stand up for herself and how she helped the legal system defend her from the discrimination, retaliation, and humiliation she experienced over the years. We must not take this type of abuse in the workplace or anywhere else!  Throughout the process Sheila shows us that taking charge is not easy nor a fast process; it takes a lot of patience, but it can be done. After reading this book you will understand how she defended herself and in the process helped open the door for all working women.

A Night in Odessa
A Night in Odessa
by: Ursula H. Meier
ISBN: 978-0-9798633-4-9
Price: 18.95, 384 pages

A Novel of Forbidden Love and Political Intrigue. A Night in Odessa tells the riveting story of Erika, a young German woman, and Michael, a Russian cardiologist, and their prohibited love in former East Germany. What would be a light-hearted love story under democracy turns into a dangerous and chilling tale under communism. We meet the evil Chief of Police and Frieda, his police matron, and learn of Erika’s secret past. The young lovers’ quest for freedom takes them across the Iron Curtain, toiling through snow-covered mountains, slipping between mines, hiding from guards. California, Odessa, and Dubrovnik are colorful stopovers in this fascinating, fast-paced novel. Award winning author, Ursula H. Meier, weaves a tale full of plot twists that surprise, enthrall, and delight.

Woven of Water
Woven of Water
by: Luisa Adams
ISBN: 978-0-9798633-0-1
Price: 14.95, 128 pages

~True Tales Inspired by an Enchanted Lake
This collection of short stories and whimsical drawings inspire the reader to discover meaning amid the loves and losses of growing up, growing old, and all the events in between. By taking this book in hand, you will create time for a personal retreat with the exquisite beauty of nature as you host. The reward, the splendor of grateful living, is priceless. Woven of Water immerses the reader in a mirrored landscape of inner and outer beauty. Luisa Adams' years of retreating for a month of solitude at an enchanted lake have yielded a sensitive collection of compelling stories and deep reflective insights. Her commitment inspires the reader to connect to nature, time, and daily life with fresh eyes and refreshed perspective on what truly matters.

Book of Beginnings
Book of Beginnings
by: David A. Stuckey
ISBN: 978-0-9796251-6-9
Price: 14.95, 276 pages
Stuckey describes his childhood adventures and misadventures, his triumphs and failures, his first loves and his most painful losses.These stories are bound to inspire memories of the reader's own childhood; they also capture, in scenes of heartbreaking drama and breath-taking action, Stuckey's struggle to maintain his idealism and hope on the mean streets of West Berlin, San Francisco, and Pittsburgh, and on the deceptively quiet campuses of Lawrence, Kansas, and Ann Arbor, Michigan
Short Skirts & Snappy Salutes
Short Skirts and Snappy Salutes
A Woman's Memoir of the WWII Years
by: Caroline Morrison Garrett
ISBN: 978-0-9796251-7-6
Price: 19.95, 370 pages

Caroline Morrison comes of age during the turbulent war years of the 1940s. The attack on Pearl Harbor shatters the illusion that young women should lead sheltered and protected lives, and women realize they must help the war effort. Caroline is no exception. A civil service exam she takes in her senior year of college leads to an internship in hospital dietetics at Walter Reed Army Medical Center followed by a commission as second lieutenant in the Medical Corps.

September 1944 begins a year of intense training and long hours at Walter Reed in Washington, D.C. Caroline finds herself involved in the lives of soldiers severely wounded in the Battle of the Bulge, supervises General Pershing’s meals, encounters the fury of General Patton, celebrates General Eisenhower's success, and sees the spirits of patients lifted by visits from Helen Keller and Eleanor Roosevelt.

 Triumph ~ Traveling Towards Death: Preparing for a New Life
By: Philip & Darlyne Diehl Ph.D.
ISBN: 978-0-9727721-9-8
Price: 15.95, 178 pages
A compelling, deeply personal and educational portrait of regular folk living life after one has received a terminal diagnosis.This book is the result of daily writing over a year, as Darlyne and Philip clarified and expressed their feelings about Darlyne's impending death and Philip's loss. In an extraordinary reception of direction they decided to share their feelings with the public – an unusual and powerful decision. They speak clearly, cry openly, and dance for the joy of being alive.
Stopwatch Teacher
Stopwatch Teacher
By: Edith Coffin Robertson
ISBN: 978-0-9727721-3-6
Price: 12.95, 136 pages

The title of "Stopwatch Teacher" refers to Robertson's ingenious use of a stopwatch (which her student's used), to add the spice of competition to their learning. This book is about extraordinary teaching without compromise, written by a master teacher. How one teacher got about 1,000 fourth, fifth, and sixth graders to sit up, listen, and learn, through the use of many innovative techniques. In twenty-five chapters Robertson tells her story, with nugget after nugget of down home insight and dry humor. It is an absolutely wonderful book.

"In this class you will learn to read, write, multiply, and how to find the Sierra Nevada mountain range on a map. By the time we are done you will also know how to run the projector, score a baseball game, play a decent game of chess, give a speech in front of the class, and how to type a book report." Thus began a very unusual fourth grade for about a thousand students, told by Mrs. Robertson herself.

Meeting Every Challenge
Meeting Every Challenge
by: Edith Coffin Robertson
ISBN: 978-0-9798633-7-0
Price: 9.95, 84 pages

The life and times of Raymond Glen Robertson

Ray was a man of many talents, but sitting still was not one of them. He owned the Polly Prim Bakery in Los Gatos, a Christian Book and Bible Store in San Diego, and the Los Gatos Office Equipment and Supply Co. (two locations) in Los Gatos, CA. He will be remembered as a businessman and an entrepreneur who had so much faith in success itself that he was able to take on new business ventures (in some cases with no prior experience), and by recreating himself, make them work.

Ray’s asthma became so severe that he had to stay inside in isolation for two weeks. “Now will you write your biography?” pleaded Edith. With nothing else to do, Ray finally got to work and roughly produced his biography, with many asides and flashbacks.

Recollections of a Long and Interesting Life Volume 1
Recollections of a Long and Interesting Life
By: Edith Coffin Robertson
Price: 15.95 Vol 1
Price: 12.95 Vol II to Vol V
"This book grew in the telling – stories from my diaries date back over seventy years. As such, I am publishing my recollections in five volumes." ~ECR    
Life on a Missouri Farm
Life on a Missouri Farm          
By: Edith Coffin Robertson
ISBN: 0-9727721-0-3
Price:12.95, 76 pages
Autobiography of Edith Coffin, 1889—1902. "My mother (author of this book) was very ill. She had leukemia and was in a great deal of pain. On an extended visit to me, her oldest daughter, we tried various schemes to help her get her mind off her pain... Finally one day I suggested she tell me her life story... Day after day she lay on the bed and in between bouts of pain she would dictate. Gradually the story grew." ~ECR

Recounts the early life and times of a young woman who grew up in Missouri, then moved from Oklahoma to California with her husband - raising seven children on an chicken farm in Cotatti.

Robertson Publishing
Fremont, California USA

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