Robertson Publishing

Robertson Crest

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It’s just so easy to get published these days, right?

The answer is yes, with Robertson Publishing. We help authors get their books published quickly and at a low cost.  We also list their books with a major distributor and use digital printing to produce books to meet sales demands.  Our publishing process relieves the risk, which means authors now have an easy way to get their books into print. 

If you’re reading this, which of course you are, you’re probably very aware of just how maddenly difficult it is to get published these days with a traditional publishing house. Even if you can find a literary agent who knows the right people for your kind of book, and even if a traditional book house falls in love with it and buys it for publication, you’re still going to wait for another two to three years before you hold a copy of that book in your hands. And in the mean time, you’ve also given up almost all control over both the content and the appearance to the Managing Editor, the Developmental Editor, the Production Editor, and the Copy Editor. And you don’t get most of the profits, because the traditional publishing house gets most of it.

So what’s an author to do? The answer, browse through this site and then give Robertson Publishing a call.

The Publishing Process

A short outline showing the steps a book goes through during the process of publication.

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What we need from you to help us complete your book publication.

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Some books we've published over the years.

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Bits of wisdom from noted authors.

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Robertson Publishing began when Jon Robertson entered the book manufacturing business in the 1970s by typesetting and producing educational materials for Sky Oaks Productions. Jon was a writer himself during these early years and found a certain amount of frustration with the publishing process. To resolve this issue for himself and other under-published writers, he started Ellipsis... a “small press” literary magazine dedicated to breaking new ground and old barriers. In other words, Jon tried traditional methods, ran into traditional roadblocks, and decided to publish his own magazine. Which he did for four years.

From these early beginnings, Robertson Publishing began to take shape. Over the years individual authors have come to us, eager to get their books published, but unsure of how to do it. Well, we knew all about ISBN numbers, bar codes, layout and design, and we were already manufacturing thousands of books for Sky Oaks Productions and other commercial companies such as Hewlett-Packard, John Muir Hospital, and the like—so putting it all together just wasn't that difficult.

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